Difference between revisions of "Purchase Receipt"

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Revision as of 14:38, 6 April 2022

Purchase Receipt

This module allows the user to keep track the status of the Purchase Order that has been purchased from the supplier if it is already receive or not.

Requirements before using Purchase Receipt
Purchase Receipt Record List
Purchase - Purchase Receipt - Record List.png

Adding Purchase Receipt
  1. Click Purchase Receipt under Purchase Menu
  2. Under Purchase Receipt Screen, Click Add Purchase Receipt
  3. Fill out the necessary fields in the Header Section
  4. Tick the Items and fill out the necessary fields in the item section then Click Save.
Purchase - Purchase Receipt - Add.png

Adding Purchase Receipt Field Information
Field Description Expected Values
1.Supplier •Name of Supplier •Supplier List provided in the Supplier Maintenance Module
2.IPO / PONumber •Purchase Order or Import Purchase order Reference Number for the Transaction •Alphanumeric
3.Attachment •Attachment as a proof of payment or other information regarding the transaction •PNG/PDF or JPG file type
4.Document Date •Date when the document is created •Date
5.Invoice No •Invoice Reference No •Alphanumeric
6.Warehouse •Warehouse where the items should be delivered •Warehouse List provided from Warehouse Maintenance Module
7.Notes •Other Remarks for the Transaction •Text


  • The user can create multiple transactions with the same Import Purchase Order and Purchase Order as long as the IPO/PO status is PARTIAL
  • Purchase Receipt cannot be edited once created.
  • Import Purchase Order and Purchase Order record should be on "PENDING" or "PARTIAL" status in order for it to be tagged on Purchase Receipt.
  • Warehouse should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
    • This can be seen in Warehouse Maintenance Module
  • Supplier should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
    • This can be seen in Supplier Maintenance Module

Viewing Purchase Receipt Record
  1. Click Purchase Receipt under Purchase Menu
  2. Select a Purchase Receipt record that needs to view its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click View.
Purchase - Purchase Receipt - View.png

Printing Purchase Receipt Record
  1. Click Purchase Receipt under Purchase Menu
  2. Select a Purchase Receipt record that needs to print its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click Print.
Purchase - Purchase Receipt - Print.png

Exporting Purchase Receipt
  1. Click Purchase then click Purchase Receipt
  2. Under Purchase Receipt Screen, Click Options then click Export Purchase Receipt. Take note that you can filter the date range and the supplier for precise exportation of Data.
Purchase - Purchase Receipt - Export.png

Purchase Purchase | Import Purchase Order | Purchase Order | Purchase Receipt
Financials Accounts Payable
Maintenance Supplier | Warehouse
Purchase Reports Purchase Report