Difference between revisions of "Setting Up Oojeema Prime"

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==== Maintenance Setup ====
====Maintenance Setup====
==== Users Group ====
====Users Group====
<span style="color: #000000">Us</span>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<span style="color: #000000">ers Group '''maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add User on a specific group. This is also used to restrict specific modules that a specific user can use.'''</span>
===== Creating Users Group =====
=====Creating Users Group=====
==== Position ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Users Group
# Under Users Group Menu, click Add Users Group
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Creating Position =====
The Position maintenance allows the users to configure the position of the other users that will be using the system.
===== Importing Position =====
=====Creating Position=====
==== Users ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Position
# Under Position Menu, click Add Position
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save.  Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Creating Users =====
=====Importing Position=====
===== Importing Users =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Position
# Under Position Menu, click Options then choose Import Position
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
==== Chart of Accounts ====
Users maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Users that can use their system.
===== Creating Chart of Accounts =====
=====Creating Users=====
===== Importing Chart of Accounts =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Users
# Under Users Menu, click Add Users
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
==== Account Codes ====
=====Importing Users=====
===== Setting up Account Codes =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Users
# Under Users Menu, click Options then choose Import Users
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
==== ATC Codes ====
====Chart of Accounts====
The Chart of Account maintenance lists all the financial accounts included in the financial statements of a company. This maintenance module categorizes financial transactions that are conducted by the company during a specific accounting period.
===== Creating ATC Records =====
=====Creating Chart of Accounts=====
===== Importing ATC Records =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Chart of Account
# Under Chart of Accounts Menu, Click Add Chart of Account
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up
==== Tax ====
=====Importing Chart of Accounts=====
===== Creating Tax =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Chart of Account
# Under Chart of Accounts Menu, Click Options then choose Import Chart of Account
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template. Note: There should be an existing Parent Account record in the system before importing Child Accounts.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed
===== Importing Tax =====
====Account Codes====
The Account Codes Maintenance screen allows users to configure accounting entry preferences for transactions. Note: Chart of Accounts must be setup in order to edit the Account Codes
==== Unit of Measure ====
=====Setting up Account Codes=====
===== Creating Unit of Measure =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Account Codes
# Under Account Codes. The user can edit the Sales Account and Purchase Account of a specific Account code by clicking the drop-down arrow then click Save
==== Item Class ====
====ATC Codes====
Alphanumeric Tax Codes or ATC Codes or ATCs are codes used to identify the type of tax that has to be paid. Note: Chart of Accounts must be set up in order to create and import ATC Codes.
===== Creating Item Class =====
=====Creating ATC Records=====
===== Importing Item Class =====
# Click Maintenance then choose ATC Code
# Under ATC Code Menu, Click Add ATC Code
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
==== Item Type ====
=====Importing ATC Records=====
===== Creating Item Type =====
# Click Maintenance then choose ATC Code
# Under ATC Code Menu, Click Options then choose Import ATC Code
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed
===== Importing Item Type =====
Tax Maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add tax types to be used on their transactions. Note: Chart of Accounts should be setup before creating or importing Tax Records
==== Brand ====
=====Creating Tax=====
===== Creating Brand =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Tax
# Under Tax Menu, click Add Tax
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Brand =====
=====Importing Tax=====
==== Item Master ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Tax
# Under Tax Menu, click options then choose Import Tax
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed
===== Creating Item Master =====
====Unit of Measure====
Unit of Measure maintenance allows the user to configure and add Unit of Measure on the items.
===== Importing Item Master =====
=====Creating Unit of Measure=====
==== Bill of Materials ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Unit of Measure
# Under Unit of Measure Menu, click Add Unit of Measure
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Creating Bill of Materials =====
====Item Class====
The Item Class Maintenance screen allows the users to configure the item class to be used on categorizing their items.
==== Warehouse ====
Note: Chart of Accounts should be set up in order to add and import Item Class.
===== Creating Warehouse =====
=====Creating Item Class=====
===== Importing Warehouse =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Class
# Under Item Class Menu, click Add Item Class
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
==== Customer ====
=====Importing Item Class=====
===== Creating Customer =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Class
# Under Item Class Menu, click options then choose Import Item Class
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed
===== Importing Customer =====
====Item Type====
Item Type Maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add item type on their items.
==== Supplier ====
=====Creating Item Type=====
===== Creating Supplier =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Type
# Under Item Type Menu, click Add Item Type
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Supplier =====
=====Importing Item Type=====
==== Price List ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Type
# Under Item Type Menu, click options then choose Import Item Type
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed
===== Creating Price List =====
Brand maintenance screen allows users to add and configure Brand for their items.
===== Importing Price List =====
=====Creating Brand=====
===== Creating Master Price List =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Brand
# Under Brand Menu, click Add Brand
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Master Price List =====
=====Importing Brand=====
==== Sales Person ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Brand
# Under Brand Menu, click options then choose Import Brand
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
===== Creating Sales Person =====
====Item Master====
Item Master Maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add items to be used on their transaction.
===== Importing Sales Person =====
=====Creating Item Master=====
==== Currency ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Master
# Under Item Master Menu, click Add Item Master
# Fill up the required fields then click Save.
===== Creating Currency =====
==== Exchange Rate ====
* Fields with * are required to be filled up.
* When accounting entries are automatically created, it creates entries based on the defaulted accounting details for the Item. If no accounting detail is maintained in Item Master, it automatically uses the accounting details maintained for its Item Class.
===== Creating Exchange Rate =====
=====Importing Item Master=====
==== Proforma ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Item Master
# Under Item Master Menu, click options then choose Import Item Master
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
===== Creating Proforma =====
====Bill of Materials====
Bill of Materials maintenance allows the user to add Items that compose a Bundled Item.
===== Importing Proforma =====
Note: Item Master should be set up in order to create a Bill of Material record and there should be an Item record that is considered a Bundle in order to proceed.
==== Bank ====
=====Creating Bill of Materials=====
===== Creating Bank =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Bill of Materials
# Under Bill of Materials Module, click Add New BOM
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Bank =====
Warehouse maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Warehouse to be used when adjusting, transferring stocks to be used on their transactions.
==== Beginning Balance Setup ====
=====Creating Warehouse=====
===== Requirements =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Warehouse
# Under Warehouse Menu, click Add Warehouse
# Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Beginning Balance Procedure =====
=====Importing Warehouse=====
==== Financial Module Manual ====
# Click Maintenance then choose Warehouse
# Under Warehouse Menu, click Options then choose Import Warehouse
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
==== Accounts Receivable ====
Customer maintenance screen allows users to configure and add customers that will be used on their transactions.
===== Requirements =====
=====Creating Customer=====
===== Creating Accounts Receivable from Sales Module Transaction =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Customer
# Under Customer Menu, click Add Customer
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
====== Creating Sales Quotation (Optional) ======
=====Importing Customer=====
====== Creating Sales Order ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Customer
# Under Customer Menu, click Options then choose Import Customer
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
====== Creating Delivery Receipt ======
Supplier maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Supplier to be assigned when creating purchasing transactions
====== Creating Sales Invoice ======
=====Creating Supplier=====
====== Creating Manual Accounts Receivable ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Supplier
# Under Supplier Menu, click Add Supplier
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Accounts Receivable =====
=====Importing Supplier=====
===== Managing Accounts Receivable =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Supplier
# Under Supplier Menu, click Options then choose Import Supplier
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
====== Accounts Receivable Document Status ======
====Price List====
Price List maintenance screen allows the users to configure the prices of the items to be used in their transaction
====== Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Receivable ======
=====Creating Price List=====
====== Exporting Accounts Receivable List ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Price List
# Under Price List Menu, click Add Price List
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
==== Receipt Voucher ====
=====Importing Price List=====
===== Requirements =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Price List
# Under Price List Menu, click Options then choose Import Price List
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
===== Creating a Receipt Voucher. =====
=====Creating Master Price List=====
====== Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Receivables ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Price List
# Under Price List Menu, Click Master Price List
# Under Master Price List Menu, Click the Edit Icon to then Adjust the Prices
# Click the Save Icon to Update the Prices
====== Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Credit Voucher ======
=====Importing Master Price List=====
====== Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Price List
# Under Price List Menu, click Master Price List
# Under Master Price List Menu, click Options then click Import Master List
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
====== Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment ======
====Sales Person====
Sales Person maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Sales Person to be assigned on the transactions.
====== Creating Receipt Voucher from Accounts Receivable ======
=====Creating Sales Person=====
===== Managing Receipt Voucher =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Sales Person
# Under Sales Person Menu, click Add Sales Person
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
====== Receipt Voucher Document Status ======
=====Importing Sales Person=====
====== Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Receipt Voucher ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Sales Person
# Under Sales Person Menu, click Options then choose Import Sales Person
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
====== Exporting Receipt Voucher List ======
The Currency Maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the currencies that will be used on their transaction.
==== Accounts Payable ====
=====Creating Currency=====
===== Requirements =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Currency
# Under Currency Menu, click Add Currency
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Creating Accounts Payable from Purchase Module Transaction =====
====Exchange Rate====
The Exchange Rate maintenance screen allows the users to configure the exchange rate from the base currency to a foreign currency.
===== Creating Purchase Requisition (Optional) =====
=====Creating Exchange Rate=====
===== Creating Import Purchase Order =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Exchange Rate
# Under Exchange Rate Menu, click Add Exchange Rate
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Creating Purchase Order =====
The Proforma maintenance screen allows the user to configure proforma entries that can be used in transactions such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, etc.
===== Creating Purchase Receipt =====
=====Creating Proforma=====
===== Creating Manual Accounts Payable =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Proforma
# Under Proforma Menu, click Add Proforma
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
===== Importing Accounts Payable =====
=====Importing Proforma=====
===== Managing Accounts Payable =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Proforma
# Under Proforma Menu, click Options then choose Import Proforma
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
====== Accounts Payable Document Status ======
The Bank maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the Bank that they will use in a transaction.
====== Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Payable ======
=====Creating Bank=====
====== Exporting Accounts Payable List ======
# Click Maintenance then choose Bank
# Under Bank Menu, click Add Bank
# Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
==== Payment Voucher ====
=====Importing Bank=====
===== Requirements =====
# Click Maintenance then choose Bank
# Under Bank Menu, click Options then choose Import Bank
# Download the Template provided in Step 1.
# Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
# Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
===== Creating Payment Voucher =====
====Beginning Balance Setup====
====== Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Payables ======
====== Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Debit Voucher ======
=====Beginning Balance Procedure=====
====== Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment ======
====Financial Module Manual====
====== Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment ======
====Accounts Receivable====
===== Creating Payment Voucher from Accounts Payable =====
===== Managing Payment Voucher =====
=====Creating Accounts Receivable from Sales Module Transaction=====
====== Payment Voucher Document Status ======
======Creating Sales Quotation (Optional)======
====== Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Payment Voucher ======
======Creating Sales Order======
====== Exporting Payment Voucher List ======
======Creating Delivery Receipt======
==== Disbursement Voucher ====
======Creating Sales Invoice======
===== Requirements =====
======Creating Manual Accounts Receivable======
===== Creating Disbursement Voucher =====
=====Importing Accounts Receivable=====
====== Managing Disbursement Voucher ======
=====Managing Accounts Receivable=====
====== Disbursement Voucher Document Status ======
======Accounts Receivable Document Status======
====== Viewing, Editing, Cancelling Disbursement Voucher ======
======Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Receivable======
====== Exporting Disbursement Voucher ======
======Exporting Accounts Receivable List======
===== Journal Voucher =====
====Receipt Voucher====
===== Requirements =====
===== Creating a Journal Voucher =====
=====Creating a Receipt Voucher.=====
===== Managing Journal Voucher =====
======Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Receivables======
====== Journal Voucher Document Status ======
======Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Credit Voucher======
====== Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Journal Voucher ======
======Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment======
====== Importing Journal Voucher ======
======Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment======
====== Exporting Journal Voucher ======
======Creating Receipt Voucher from Accounts Receivable======
==== Petty Cash ====
=====Managing Receipt Voucher=====
===== Requirements =====
======Receipt Voucher Document Status======
===== Creating a Petty Cash =====
======Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Receipt Voucher======
===== Managing Petty Cash =====
======Exporting Receipt Voucher List======
====== Petty Cash Voucher Document Status ======
====Accounts Payable====
====== Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Petty Cash ======
====== Importing Petty Cash ======
=====Creating Accounts Payable from Purchase Module Transaction=====
====== Paying Petty Cash ======
=====Creating Purchase Requisition (Optional)=====
====== Exporting Petty Cash ======
=====Creating Import Purchase Order=====
==== Depreciation Run ====
=====Creating Purchase Order=====
===== Simulating Depreciation Run =====
=====Creating Purchase Receipt=====
===== Exporting Depreciation Run =====
=====Creating Manual Accounts Payable=====
==== Closing(Trial Balance) ====
=====Importing Accounts Payable=====
===== Closing a Period(Monthly) =====
=====Managing Accounts Payable=====
===== Closing Books at Yearend =====
======Accounts Payable Document Status======
======Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Payable======
======Exporting Accounts Payable List======
====Payment Voucher====
=====Creating Payment Voucher=====
======Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Payables======
======Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Debit Voucher======
======Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment======
======Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment======
=====Creating Payment Voucher from Accounts Payable=====
=====Managing Payment Voucher=====
======Payment Voucher Document Status======
======Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Payment Voucher======
======Exporting Payment Voucher List======
====Disbursement Voucher====
=====Creating Disbursement Voucher=====
======Managing Disbursement Voucher======
======Disbursement Voucher Document Status======
======Viewing, Editing, Cancelling Disbursement Voucher======
======Exporting Disbursement Voucher======
=====Journal Voucher=====
=====Creating a Journal Voucher=====
=====Managing Journal Voucher=====
======Journal Voucher Document Status======
======Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Journal Voucher======
======Importing Journal Voucher======
======Exporting Journal Voucher======
====Petty Cash====
=====Creating a Petty Cash=====
=====Managing Petty Cash=====
======Petty Cash Voucher Document Status======
======Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Petty Cash======
======Importing Petty Cash======
======Paying Petty Cash======
======Exporting Petty Cash======
====Depreciation Run====
=====Simulating Depreciation Run=====
=====Exporting Depreciation Run=====
====Closing(Trial Balance)====
=====Closing a Period(Monthly)=====
=====Closing Books at Yearend=====

Revision as of 15:15, 20 September 2021


Maintenance Setup

Users Group

Us <meta charset="utf-8" /> ers Group maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add User on a specific group. This is also used to restrict specific modules that a specific user can use.

Creating Users Group
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Users Group
  2. Under Users Group Menu, click Add Users Group
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.


The Position maintenance allows the users to configure the position of the other users that will be using the system.

Creating Position
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Position
  2. Under Position Menu, click Add Position
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save.  Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Position
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Position
  2. Under Position Menu, click Options then choose Import Position
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed


Users maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Users that can use their system.

Creating Users
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Users
  2. Under Users Menu, click Add Users
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Users
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Users
  2. Under Users Menu, click Options then choose Import Users
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Account maintenance lists all the financial accounts included in the financial statements of a company. This maintenance module categorizes financial transactions that are conducted by the company during a specific accounting period.

Creating Chart of Accounts
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Chart of Account
  2. Under Chart of Accounts Menu, Click Add Chart of Account
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up
Importing Chart of Accounts
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Chart of Account
  2. Under Chart of Accounts Menu, Click Options then choose Import Chart of Account
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template. Note: There should be an existing Parent Account record in the system before importing Child Accounts.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed

Account Codes

The Account Codes Maintenance screen allows users to configure accounting entry preferences for transactions. Note: Chart of Accounts must be setup in order to edit the Account Codes

Setting up Account Codes
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Account Codes
  2. Under Account Codes. The user can edit the Sales Account and Purchase Account of a specific Account code by clicking the drop-down arrow then click Save

ATC Codes

Alphanumeric Tax Codes or ATC Codes or ATCs are codes used to identify the type of tax that has to be paid. Note: Chart of Accounts must be set up in order to create and import ATC Codes.

Creating ATC Records
  1. Click Maintenance then choose ATC Code
  2. Under ATC Code Menu, Click Add ATC Code
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing ATC Records
  1. Click Maintenance then choose ATC Code
  2. Under ATC Code Menu, Click Options then choose Import ATC Code
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed


Tax Maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add tax types to be used on their transactions. Note: Chart of Accounts should be setup before creating or importing Tax Records

Creating Tax
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Tax
  2. Under Tax Menu, click Add Tax
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Tax
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Tax
  2. Under Tax Menu, click options then choose Import Tax
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed

Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure maintenance allows the user to configure and add Unit of Measure on the items.

Creating Unit of Measure
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Unit of Measure
  2. Under Unit of Measure Menu, click Add Unit of Measure
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.

Item Class

The Item Class Maintenance screen allows the users to configure the item class to be used on categorizing their items.

Note: Chart of Accounts should be set up in order to add and import Item Class.

Creating Item Class
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Class
  2. Under Item Class Menu, click Add Item Class
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Item Class
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Class
  2. Under Item Class Menu, click options then choose Import Item Class
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed

Item Type

Item Type Maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add item type on their items.

Creating Item Type
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Type
  2. Under Item Type Menu, click Add Item Type
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Item Type
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Type
  2. Under Item Type Menu, click options then choose Import Item Type
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to Proceed


Brand maintenance screen allows users to add and configure Brand for their items.

Creating Brand
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Brand
  2. Under Brand Menu, click Add Brand
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Brand
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Brand
  2. Under Brand Menu, click options then choose Import Brand
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Item Master

Item Master Maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add items to be used on their transaction.

Creating Item Master
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Master
  2. Under Item Master Menu, click Add Item Master
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save.


  • Fields with * are required to be filled up.
  • When accounting entries are automatically created, it creates entries based on the defaulted accounting details for the Item. If no accounting detail is maintained in Item Master, it automatically uses the accounting details maintained for its Item Class.
Importing Item Master
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Item Master
  2. Under Item Master Menu, click options then choose Import Item Master
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Bill of Materials

Bill of Materials maintenance allows the user to add Items that compose a Bundled Item.

Note: Item Master should be set up in order to create a Bill of Material record and there should be an Item record that is considered a Bundle in order to proceed.

Creating Bill of Materials
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Bill of Materials
  2. Under Bill of Materials Module, click Add New BOM
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.


Warehouse maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Warehouse to be used when adjusting, transferring stocks to be used on their transactions.

Creating Warehouse
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Warehouse
  2. Under Warehouse Menu, click Add Warehouse
  3. Fill up the required fields then click Save. Note: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Warehouse
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Warehouse
  2. Under Warehouse Menu, click Options then choose Import Warehouse
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed


Customer maintenance screen allows users to configure and add customers that will be used on their transactions.

Creating Customer
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Customer
  2. Under Customer Menu, click Add Customer
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Customer
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Customer
  2. Under Customer Menu, click Options then choose Import Customer
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed


Supplier maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Supplier to be assigned when creating purchasing transactions

Creating Supplier
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Supplier
  2. Under Supplier Menu, click Add Supplier
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Supplier
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Supplier
  2. Under Supplier Menu, click Options then choose Import Supplier
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Price List

Price List maintenance screen allows the users to configure the prices of the items to be used in their transaction

Creating Price List
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Price List
  2. Under Price List Menu, click Add Price List
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Price List
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Price List
  2. Under Price List Menu, click Options then choose Import Price List
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed
Creating Master Price List
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Price List
  2. Under Price List Menu, Click Master Price List
  3. Under Master Price List Menu, Click the Edit Icon to then Adjust the Prices
  4. Click the Save Icon to Update the Prices
Importing Master Price List
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Price List
  2. Under Price List Menu, click Master Price List
  3. Under Master Price List Menu, click Options then click Import Master List
  4. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  5. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  6. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Sales Person

Sales Person maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Sales Person to be assigned on the transactions.

Creating Sales Person
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Sales Person
  2. Under Sales Person Menu, click Add Sales Person
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Sales Person
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Sales Person
  2. Under Sales Person Menu, click Options then choose Import Sales Person
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed


The Currency Maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the currencies that will be used on their transaction.

Creating Currency
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Currency
  2. Under Currency Menu, click Add Currency
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.

Exchange Rate

The Exchange Rate maintenance screen allows the users to configure the exchange rate from the base currency to a foreign currency.

Creating Exchange Rate
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Exchange Rate
  2. Under Exchange Rate Menu, click Add Exchange Rate
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.


The Proforma maintenance screen allows the user to configure proforma entries that can be used in transactions such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, etc.

Creating Proforma
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Proforma
  2. Under Proforma Menu, click Add Proforma
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Proforma
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Proforma
  2. Under Proforma Menu, click Options then choose Import Proforma
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed


The Bank maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the Bank that they will use in a transaction.

Creating Bank
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Bank
  2. Under Bank Menu, click Add Bank
  3. Fill up the required fields then Click Save. Notes: Fields with * are required to be filled up.
Importing Bank
  1. Click Maintenance then choose Bank
  2. Under Bank Menu, click Options then choose Import Bank
  3. Download the Template provided in Step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each column of the template.
  5. Upload the updated template then click Import to proceed

Beginning Balance Setup

Beginning Balance Procedure

Financial Module Manual

Accounts Receivable

Creating Accounts Receivable from Sales Module Transaction
Creating Sales Quotation (Optional)
Creating Sales Order
Creating Delivery Receipt
Creating Sales Invoice
Creating Manual Accounts Receivable
Importing Accounts Receivable
Managing Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Receivable
Exporting Accounts Receivable List

Receipt Voucher

Creating a Receipt Voucher.
Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Receivables
Creating Receipt Voucher – Tagging Credit Voucher
Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment
Creating Receipt Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment
Creating Receipt Voucher from Accounts Receivable
Managing Receipt Voucher
Receipt Voucher Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Receipt Voucher
Exporting Receipt Voucher List

Accounts Payable

Creating Accounts Payable from Purchase Module Transaction
Creating Purchase Requisition (Optional)
Creating Import Purchase Order
Creating Purchase Order
Creating Purchase Receipt
Creating Manual Accounts Payable
Importing Accounts Payable
Managing Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Printing of Account Payable
Exporting Accounts Payable List

Payment Voucher

Creating Payment Voucher
Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Payables
Creating Payment Voucher – Tagging Debit Voucher
Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Check Details for Check Payment
Creating Payment Voucher – Entering Accounting Details for Cash Payment
Creating Payment Voucher from Accounts Payable
Managing Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Cancelling and Posting/Unposting of Payment Voucher
Exporting Payment Voucher List

Disbursement Voucher

Creating Disbursement Voucher
Managing Disbursement Voucher
Disbursement Voucher Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Cancelling Disbursement Voucher
Exporting Disbursement Voucher
Journal Voucher
Creating a Journal Voucher
Managing Journal Voucher
Journal Voucher Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Journal Voucher
Importing Journal Voucher
Exporting Journal Voucher

Petty Cash

Creating a Petty Cash
Managing Petty Cash
Petty Cash Voucher Document Status
Viewing, Editing, Printing and Cancelling Petty Cash
Importing Petty Cash
Paying Petty Cash
Exporting Petty Cash

Depreciation Run

Simulating Depreciation Run
Exporting Depreciation Run

Closing(Trial Balance)

Closing a Period(Monthly)
Closing Books at Yearend