Difference between revisions of "Inventory Inquiry"

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|[[Brand]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Item Class]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Item Master]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Item Type]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Warehouse]]

Latest revision as of 09:26, 8 April 2022

Inventory Inquiry

Allows the user to view the quantities of their items (Onhand,Ordered,Allocated,Available)

Requirements before using Inventory Inquiry
Inventory Inquiry Record List
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - Record List.png


  • For precise export of items, the user can filter by Warehouse, Brand, Item, Item Class before clicking the CSV button.
  • The user can use Rebuild Inventory Button to refresh and recheck the items in the Inventory.
Exporting Inventory Inquiry
  1. Click Inventory Inquiry under Inventory Menu
  2. Click the CSV Button. Take note that the user can Filter the Item, Item Group, Item Class, Warehouse and Brand for precise Exportation of records.
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - Export.png

Viewing On Hand Quantity Details in Inventory Inquiry List
  1. Click Inventory Inquiry under Inventory Menu
  2. Under Inventory Inquiry Screen, Clicking the link of a respective quantity under Onhand Qty column will allow the user to view the breakdown
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - View On Hand.png

Viewing Ordered Quantity Details in Inventory Inquiry List
  1. Click Inventory Inquiry under Inventory Menu
  2. Under Inventory Inquiry Screen, Clicking the link of a respective quantity under Ordered Qty column will allow the user to view the breakdown
  3. Under Order Quantity Modal Screen, The user may click the Document Record under Document No. Column in Document Breakdown to view its details
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - View Ordered.png


  • The user may Export the breakdown of Ordered Quantity. Under Ordered Quantity Modal Screen
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - Export Ordered Qty.png

Viewing Allocated Quantity Details in Inventory Inquiry List
  1. Click Inventory Inquiry under Inventory Menu
  2. Under Allocated Quantity Modal Screen, The user may click the Document Record under Document No. Column in Document Breakdown to view its details
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - View Allocated.png


  • The user may Export the breakdown of Allocated Quantity. Under Allocated Quantity Modal Screen
Inventory - Inventory Inquiry - Export Allocated Quantity.png

Inventory Inventory Adjustment | Inventory Inquiry | Purchase Return | Sales Return | Stock Transfer
Sales Sales Order | Delivery Receipt
Purchase Purchase Order | Purchase Receipt
Maintenance Brand | Item Class | Item Master | Item Type | Warehouse