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Trial Balance
- Last edited 2 years ago by Gelo
Trial Balance Menu
Trial Balance refers to an overview of balances of the chart of accounts(Debit and Credit) in a given period(Monthly and Yearly).
Trial Balance Menu Terms on Oojeema Prime System:
- Date Range - gives the user a set of date range on how they will view their Balance Sheet.
- Close Period - refers to a process to verify and adjust the balances of account to produce reports regarding company's financial position on that given period.
- Closing of Period will be done monthly. The Journal Vouchers created for the monthly period can still be adjusted.
- Upon Year-end Closing, All monthly periods on that year will be posted.
- Upon Year-end Closing, You cannot cancel any monthly periods on that year.
- Account Code - reference number code for a specific accounting entry for transaction.
- Account Name - the account name corresponds to its account code.
- Previous Carryforward - Previous Balance to be carryforward for the current Period.
- Balance with parenthesis () means that the balance will be deducted to the Balance for the Period.
- Balance Carryforward - Current Balance to be carry forward to the next Period.
- Total Debit - the Total Debit on the specific Account Code.
- Total Credit - the Total Credit on the specific Account Code.
- Balance for the Period - Current Balance for this current Period(Base from the Total Credit, Total Debit, and Carry forwards on the Trial Balance Sheet)
- Closing - list of Balance before closing.
- Accumulated Balance - Overall balanced on the specific period.