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Accounts Payable Aging

Revision as of 12:47, 9 February 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Accounts Payable Aging

Accounts Payable Aging Menu

Accounts Payable Aging refers to the list of unpaid invoices to suppliers. The payables are consist of inventory, supplies, and services that you avail to operate the business. The aging of accounts payable tracks who your creditors are, how much you need to pay, and how long you've owed debts over a specific period.(can be within a month range, 2 months range or over 2 months)

Accounts Payable Aging Menu Terms on Oojeema Prime System:

  1. Record Filter(Customer and Date) -Set of filter record for precise search of records.
    • Records will be defaulted to set on Filter All for customers and the current date for the Date Range.
  2. Supplier - The customer assigned for the specific Receivables.
  3. Reference - The reference record for the Accounts Payable of the Supplier.
    • Clicking the Payables link will let the user view the status of the Payable.
  4. Transaction Date - The date when the Payables is issued.
  5. Terms - the set default days on the Supplier for you to pay your outstanding balance on their payables.
    • Aging will start when the days on the Terms are exceeded.
    • Default Terms can be edited through Supplier Maintenance Module.
    • This Terms is different on Terms Maintenance Module.
  6. Due Date - The date on which the receivable should be paid.
    • Due dates will based on the Transaction date plus the Terms applied on the customer.
    • If there are no Terms applied on the customer. The due date will be automatically set into 7 days after the Transaction Date.
  7. Current - The balance to be paid on the payable during the span of Transaction date up to Expiration Date.
  8. Aging Range - a range of days where the payable exceeds to its due date.
    • Range will be categorized within 30 days , within 60 days and more than 60 days.
  9. Balance - the total amount to be paid on a specific Transaction.


  • Supplier record must be ACTIVE status in order to check its payables aging records.
    • Supplier records can be seen in Supplier Maintenance Module.
  • For detailed instructions on how to view Payables as well as how to Export the Aging Report. The user may visit the Accounts Payable Aging Job aids which can be found here.
Financials Accounts Payable | Payment Voucher
Maintenance Maintenance | Supplier
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Financial Statement
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement | General Ledger | General Journal | Trial Balance | Statement of Account | Accounts Receivable Aging | AR Detailed Report | AR Transaction Report Accounts Payable Aging | AP Detailed Report | AP Transaction Report | Cash Position | Check List | Deposit List | Collection Register
Job Aid Modules
Financials Accounts Payable Aids | Payment Voucher Aids
Maintenance Aids Supplier Aids
Reports Aid
Financial Statements Balance Sheet Aids | Income Statement Aids | General Ledger Aids | General Journal Aids | Trial Balance Aids | Statement of Account Aids | Accounts Receivable Aging Aids | AR Detailed Report Aids | AR Transaction Report Aids | Accounts Payable Aging Aids | AP Detailed Report Aids | AP Transaction Report Aids | Cash Position Aids | Check List Aids | Deposit List Aids | Collection Register Aids