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VAT Summary

Revision as of 12:02, 27 December 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

VAT Summary

VAT Summary refers to the summary of Sales and Purchases taxes which gives the user an overview if their hit their monthly target.

VAT Summary Menu List(Sales)
VAT Summary Menu List(Sales) terms based on Oojeema Prime System
Field Description
1. Date Filter Date Range filter for VAT Summary monthly report.
2. Export Allows the user to export the Summary Report.
3. VAT Summary Tab(Purchase, Sales) Detailed Report for Sales and Purchase VAT Summary.
4. Voucher No Reference No. of the Sales Transaction
5. Transaction Date Date when the transaction is created
6. Invoice No The Invoice reference tagged in the Receivable
7. Reference Reference No indicated on the Sales Invoice.
8. Partner The Customer assigned in the Transaction.
9. TIN Tax Identification Number of the Customer.
10. Address Address of the Customer.
11. Gross Amount Whole amount in the Transaction.
12. Net Amount Amount in the Transaction after all deductions are applied.
13. Tax Amount Tax Amount Applied in the specific Transaction
14. Tax Type Type of Tax applied in the transaction.
15. Beginning Balance Starting Balance that is carried over last month.


  • Clicking the Voucher No and the Invoice No. will redirect the user to the View function of the specific transaction.
VAT Summary Menu List(Purchase)
VAT Summary Menu List(Purchase) terms based on Oojeema Prime System
Field Description
1. Date Filter Date Range filter for VAT Summary monthly report.
2. Export Allows the user to export the Summary Report.
3. VAT Summary Tab(Purchase, Sales) Detailed Report for Sales and Purchase VAT Summary.
4. Voucher No Reference No. of the Purchase Transaction
5. Transaction Date Date when the transaction is created
6. Invoice No The Invoice reference tagged in the Payable
7. Reference Reference No indicated on the Purchase Receipt.
8. Partner The Supplier assigned in the Transaction.
9. TIN Tax Identification Number of the Supplier.
10. Address Address of the Supplier
11. Gross Amount Whole amount in the Transaction.
12. Net Amount Amount in the Transaction after all deductions are applied.
13. Tax Amount Tax Amount Applied in the specific Transaction
14. Tax Type Type of Tax applied in the transaction.
15. Beginning Balance Starting Balance that is carried over last month.


  • Clicking the Voucher No and the Invoice No. will redirect the user to the View function of the specific transaction.
Exporting VAT Summary
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click VAT Summary under Tax Reports.
  3. Under VAT Summary, click the Export Button on the right side. Take note that you can filter the Date for precise exportation of records.
Viewing Vouchers on VAT Summary
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click VAT Summary under Tax Reports.
  3. Under VAT Summary, click the link vouchers under Voucher Number column, clicking the reference voucher will redirect the user to view function of the respective voucher.


  • These are both applicable on Sales and Purchase Tab of the VAT Summary
Viewing Invoice Vouchers on VAT Summary
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click VAT Summary under Tax Reports.
  3. Under VAT Summary, click the link vouchers under Voucher Number column, clicking the reference voucher will redirect the user to view function of the respective voucher.


  • These are both applicable on Sales and Purchase Tab of the VAT Summary.
Sales Sales | Sales Invoice
Purchase Purchase | Purchase Receipt
Financials Accounts Receivable | Accounts Payable | Disbursement Voucher
Maintenance Customer | Supplier | Tax
Reports Module(Reports)
Reports Tax Reports
Tax Reports Sales Journal | Purchase Journal | VAT Summary | BIR Form 2550M | BIR Form 2550Q | BIR Form 2551Q | BIR Form 0619-E | BIR Form 1601E-Q | BIR Form 1604E | Sales Relief | Purchase Relief | Summary Alphalist of Withholding Tax