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Users Group Access
- Last edited 3 years ago by Gelo
Users Group
This maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add User Group on a specific User. This is also use to restrict the specific modules that a specific user can use.
Users Group Menu List
Field | Description | Expected Output |
1. Create New User Group | Allows the user to Create a New User Group | Users Group Create Module |
2. Search Bar | Allows the user to search for an Users Group Record | Alphanumeric |
3. Display | Allows the user to filter the number of records to viewed on one page | 10/15/20/50/100 |
4. Users Group Record List | List of Records of the Users Group based from their Group Name, User Count and Description | Users Group List from Users Group Maintenance Module |
Users Group Record Option List
Adding Users Group
Field | Description | Expected Output |
1. Group Name | Users Group Name | Alphanumeric |
2. Description | Description of the Users Group | Alphanumeric |
3. Select/Deselect All Modules | Allows the user to grant/ungrant the all the access of modules on a particular Users Group | Tick/Untick |
4. Modules | Allowing the Users Group to view or hid the functions on each module | Tick/Untick |
Users Group View Record
Tagging Users in User Group
Untagging Users in User Group