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Sales Person

Revision as of 13:35, 28 December 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Sales Person

This maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Sales Person to be assigned on the transactions.

Sales Person Record List
File:Sales Person Record List.png
Sales Person Record List
Adding Sales Person
File:Adding Sales Person.png
Adding Sales Person
Field Description Expected Values
1.Sales Person Code •Reference Code for Sales Person •Alphanumeric
2.First Name •First Name of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
3.Last Name •Last Name of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
4.Address •Address of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
5.Email •Email Address of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
6.TIN •Tax Identification Number of the Sales Person •Number
7.Contact Number •Contact Number of the Sales Person •Number


  • Sales Per Person Code is a Unique field in the module. You cannot edit this field once created.
Editing Sales Person
File:Editing Sales Person.png
Editing Sales Person
Field Description Expected Values
1.First Name •First Name of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
2.Last Name •Last Name of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
3.Address •Address of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
4.Email •Email Address of the Sales Person •Alphanumeric
5.TIN •Tax Identification Number of the Sales Person •Number
8.Contact Number •Contact Number of the Sales Person •Number
Sales Person Option
File:Sales Person Option.png
Sales Person Option
Sales Person Import Option
File:Sales Person Import Option.png
Sales Person Import Option
Sales Person Record Option
File:Sales Person Record Option.png
Sales Person Record Option
Sales Person Tag Customer
File:Sales Person Tag Customer.png
Sales Person Tag Customer


  • The Customer status should be "ACTIVE" when tagging it to the Sales Person.
    • When using the customer on a transaction. The tagged Sales Person will be used as default.
Sales Person Import Customer
File:Sales Person Import Customer.png
Sales Person Import Customer
Sales Person Transfer Customer
File:Sales Person Transfer Customer.png
Sales Person Transfer Customer


  • Sales Person must be Active in order to be transferred to another Sales Person
    • Sales Person to be transfer to must be "ACTIVE" to proceed.
Sales Person View Record
File:Sales Person View Record.png
Sales Person View Record


  • The user is allowed to edit the details when viewing the record.