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Average Cost

Revision as of 12:16, 2 March 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Average Cost

Average Cost Menu
File:Average Cost Menu List.png
Average Cost Menu List

Average Cost Report refers to the list of Inventory Average Costs.

  1. Search Bar - A field where the user is allowed to search for a specific Item in the record.
  2. Export - Allows the user to export the record depending on the filters applied.
  3. Item Code - Unique Reference Code for an Item.
  4. Item Name - Name of an Item corresponding to its Item Code
  5. Description - refers to any description or remarks regarding the Item.
  6. Stock - Number of Remaining Stocks of an Item to all Warehouse
  7. UOM - Unit of Measure of an Item.
  8. Average Cost - The overall average cost of an item based on the Transactions made.
  9. Total - Total Cost of an item based on its Average Cost and Number of Cost.
Average Cost Breakdown
File:Average Cost Breakdown.png
Average Cost Breakdown

Average Cost Breakdown refers to in detail record of transactions related on a specific item.

Average Cost Breakdown terms on Average Cost Menu

Sales Delivery Receipt
Purchase Purchase Receipt
Inventory Inventory Adjustment | Purchase Return | Sales Return
Maintenance Item Master | Unit of Measure
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Delivery Receipt
Purchase Aids Purchase Receipt Aid
Financials Aids Inventory Adjustment Aids | Purchase Return Aids | Sales Return Aids
Maintenance Aids Item Master Aids | Unit of Measure Aids
Reports Module(Reports)
Reports Purchase Reports
Purchase Reports Purchase Report | Average Cost
Reports Aid
Purchase Reports Purchase Report Aids | Average Cost Aids