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ATC Code

Revision as of 14:30, 21 January 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Alphanumber Tax Codes or ATC Codes or ATCs are codes used to identify the type of tax that has to be paid.

ATC code list
ATC list screen
ATC list screen


  • Deactivating ATC Codes restricts the user to use the ATC code in Receipt Voucher.
Adding ATC codes
File:Adding ATC Code.png
Adding ATC code screen
Field Description Expected Values
1.ATC Code •Reference Code For ATC •Alphanumeric
2.Tax Code •Tax Code Reference for the ATC Code •Alphanumeric
3.Description •Description of the ATC Code •Alphanumeric
4.Tax Rate •Tax Percentage Rate to be Applied on the ATC Code •Numeric
5.EWT •Expanded Withholding Tax •EWT List provided in the field
6.CWT •Credit Withholding Tax •CWT List provided in the field


  • For detailed instructions on how to Add an ATC Code, you can visit the ATC Code Job Aids which can be found here

Editing ATC codes

File:Editing ATC Code.png
Editing ATC Code
Field Description Expected Values
1.ATC Code •Reference Code For ATC •Alphanumeric
2.Tax Code •Tax Code Reference for the ATC Code •Alphanumeric
3.Description •Description of the ATC Code •Alphanumeric
4.Tax Rate •Tax Percentage Rate to be Applied on the ATC Code •Numeric
5.EWT •Expanded Withholding Tax •EWT List provided in the field
6.CWT •Credit Withholding Tax •CWT List provided in the field


  • For detailed instructions on how to Edit an ATC Code, you can visit the ATC Code Job Aids which can be found here

ATC code options
ATC code options
ATC code options


  • For detailed instructions on how to Import and Export an ATC Code, you can visit the ATC Code Job Aids which can be found here

Importing ATC codes
File:ATC Code Import screen.png
ATC code import screen


  • For detailed instructions on how to Import an ATC Code, you can visit the ATC Code Job Aids which can be found here
ATC record options
File:ATC record options.png
ATC record options
  • For detailed instructions on how to View, Edit, Deactivate and Delete an ATC Code, you can visit the ATC Code Job Aids which can be found here
Maintenance Maintenance | Chart of Account | ATC Code
Financials Receipt Voucher
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Chart of Accounts Aids | Account Codes | ATC Codes Aids
Financials Receipts Voucher Aids