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Item Master

Revision as of 15:06, 23 July 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Item Master

This maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add items to be used on their transaction.

Requirements before using Item Master
Item Master Record List
File:Item Master Record List.png
Item Master Record List


Adding Item Master(Item Details)
File:Adding Item Master(Item Details).png
Adding Item Master(Item Details)

Item Details
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1.Item Code Reference Code of an Item *Alphanumeric

*Dash "-" *Underscore "_"

*Other Special Characters Yes
2.Barcode Barcode of an item *Alphanumeric *Special Characters No
3.Item Name Name of an Item *Alphanumeric *None Yes
4.Item Description Description of an Item *Alphanumeric *None Yes
5. Item Type Contents and information about the Item *Item Type List provided on Item Type Maintenance Module *None

*Inactive Item Type on Item Type Maintenance Module

6.Item Group Group classification of an Item *Goods

*Services *Non-Inventory

*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs Yes
7. Item Class Item Class categorization of an Item *Item Class List provided on Item Class Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*Inactive Class on Item Class Maintenance Module

8.Weight Weight information of an Item *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Characters

9.Weight Type Weight type of an Item *Unit of Measure List with Unit Type as Weight from Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
10.Bundle Classification of an Item if it is bundled *Y


*Engine,Serial and Chassis number will be unavailable if "Y" No
11.Serial Number Classification of an Item if it has Serial No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Serial number should be N

12.Engine Number Classification of an Item if it has Engine No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Engine number should be N

13.Chasis Number Classification of an Item if it has Chasis No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Chasis number should be N

14. Brand Brand of an Item *Brand List provided from the Brand Maintenance Module *None

*Inactive Brand on Brand Maintenance Module

Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure)
File:Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure).png
Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure)

Unit of Measure(UOM)
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1.Base UOM Base Unit of Measure of the Item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
2.Selling UOM Unit of Measure when selling the Item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
3.Converted Selling UOM Quantity of Selling UOM *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Character

4.Purchasing UOM Unit of Measure when purchasing an item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
5.Converted Purchasing UOM Quantity of Purchasing UOM *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Character

Adding Item Master(Accounting Details)
File:Adding Item Master(Accounting Details).png
Adding Item Master(Accounting Details)

Accounting Details
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1. Sales Debit Account Debit Account on Sales Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
2. Sales Credit Account Credit Account on Sales Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
3. Purchase Debit Account Debit Account on Purchase Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
4. Purchase Credit Account Credit Account on Purchase Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
5. Inventory Account Inventory Account of the item *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
6. Revenue Type(Tax) Tax Revenue type of the item *Tax Description under Tax Type List provided in Tax Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
7. Expense Type(Tax) Tax Expense Type of the item *Tax Description under Tax Type List provided in Tax Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No


  • The following modules are required when creating and editing an Item. The record's status must be ACTIVE in order to use it on the Item master Module.
  • Unit of Measure status must be active in order to use it on Unit of Measure Tab in Item Master Module.
  • Accounts to be used under Accounting Details must be ACTIVE when creating or editing an Item in Item Master.
  • The items should be ACTIVE when using it as an Replacement Item.
  • Brands should be ACTIVE when creating an Item Master Record.
    • The status can be seen in Brand Maintenance Module.
  • If the item is declared as serialized. The serial number registration can be done on Inventory Adjustment Module under Inventory.
  • For detailed instructions on how to Create an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here
Editing Item Master (Item Details)
File:Editing Item Master(Item Details).png
Editing Item Master(Item Details)

collapse;width:828pt" data-ve-attributes="{"style":"border-collapse:\n collapse;width:828pt"}"
Item Details
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1.Item Code Reference Code of an Item *Alphanumeric

*Dash "-" *Underscore "_"

*Other Special Characters Yes
2.Barcode Barcode of an item *Alphanumeric *Special Characters No
3.Item Name Name of an Item *Alphanumeric *None Yes
4.Item Description Description of an Item *Alphanumeric *None Yes
5. Item Type Contents and information about the Item *Item Type List provided on Item Type Maintenance Module *None

*Inactive Item Type on Item Type Maintenance Module

6.Item Group Group classification of an Item *Goods

*Services *Non-Inventory

*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs Yes
7. Item Class Item Class categorization of an Item *Item Class List provided on Item Class Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*Inactive Class on Item Class Maintenance Module

8.Weight Weight information of an Item *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Characters

9.Weight Type Weight type of an Item *Unit of Measure List with Unit Type as Weight from Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
10.Bundle Classification of an Item if it is bundled *Y


*Engine,Serial and Chassis number will be unavailable if "Y" No
11.Serial Number Classification of an Item if it has Serial No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Serial number should be N

12.Engine Number Classification of an Item if it has Engine No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Engine number should be N

13.Chasis Number Classification of an Item if it has Chasis No. *Y


*Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs

*If Bundle input is "Y" then Chasis number should be N

14. Brand Brand of an Item *Brand List provided from the Brand Maintenance Module *None

*Inactive Brand on Brand Maintenance Module

Editing Item Master (Unit of Measure)
File:Editing Item Master(Unit of Measure).png
Editing Item Master(Unit of Measure)
collapse;width:828pt" data-ve-attributes="{"style":"border-collapse:\n collapse;width:828pt"}"
Unit of Measure(UOM)
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1.Base UOM Base Unit of Measure of the Item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
2.Selling UOM Unit of Measure when selling the Item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
3.Converted Selling UOM Quantity of Selling UOM *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Character

4.Purchasing UOM Unit of Measure when purchasing an item *Unit Description under UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module *Inactive UOM on  Unit of Measure Maintenance Module Yes
5.Converted Purchasing UOM Quantity of Purchasing UOM *Numeric *Alphabet

*Special Character


Editing Item Master (Accounting Details)
File:Editing Item Master(Accounting Details).png
Editing Item Master(Accounting Details)
collapse;width:828pt" data-ve-attributes="{"style":"border-collapse:\n collapse;width:828pt"}"
Accounting Details
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required Field?
1. Sales Debit Account Debit Account on Sales Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
2. Sales Credit Account Credit Account on Sales Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
3. Purchase Debit Account Debit Account on Purchase Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
4. Purchase Credit Account Credit Account on Purchase Details *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
5. Inventory Account Inventory Account of the item *Account Name under Account List provided in Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
6. Revenue Type(Tax) Tax Revenue type of the item *Tax Description under Tax Type List provided in Tax Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No
7. Expense Type(Tax) Tax Expense Type of the item *Tax Description under Tax Type List provided in Tax Maintenance Module *Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs No


  • The following modules are required when creating and editing an Item. The record's status must be ACTIVE in order to use it on the Item master Module.
  • Unit of Measure status must be active in order to use it on Unit of Measure Tab in Item Master Module.
  • Accounts to be used under Accounting Details must be ACTIVE when creating or editing an Item in Item Master.
  • The items should be ACTIVE when using it as an Replacement Item.
  • Brands should be ACTIVE when creating an Item Master Record.
    • The status can be seen in Brand Maintenance Module.
  • If the item is declared as serialized. The serial number registration can be done on Inventory Adjustment Module under Inventory.
  • For detailed instructions on how to edit an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here
Item Master Option
File:Item Master Option.png
Item Master Option


  • For detailed instructions on how to Export and Import an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here
Item Master Importing Option
File:Item Master Importing Option.png
Item Master Importing Option


  • For detailed instructions on how to edit an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here
Item Master Record Option
File:Item Master Record Option.png
Item Master Record Option


  • For detailed instructions on how to View, Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Delete an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here
Item Master View Record
File:Item Master View Record.png
Item Master View Record


  • The user can edit the details while viewing the record.
  • For detailed instructions on how to edit an Item Master record, the user may visit Item Master Aids which can be found here

Maintenance Maintenance | Item Master | Item Class | Item Type | Brand | Chart of Account | Unit of Measure | Tax
Sales Sales Quotation | Sales Order | Delivery Receipt | Sales Invoice
Purchase Purchase | Import Purchase Order | Purchase Order | Purchase Requisition | Purchase Receipt
Inventory Inventory | Inventory Adjustment | Inventory Inquiry | Inventory Movement | Purchase Return | Sales Return | Stock Transfer
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Item Master Aids | Item Class Aids | Item Type Aids | Brand Aids | Chart of Accounts Aids | Unit of Measure Aids | Tax Aids
Sales Aids Sales Quotation Aids | Sales Order Aids | Delivery Receipt Aids | Sales Invoice Aids
Purchase Aids Import Purchase Order Aid | Purchase Order Aid | Purchase Requisition Aid | Purchase Receipt Aid
Inventory Aids Inventory Adjustment Aids | Inventory Inquiry Aids | Inventory Movement Aids | Purchase Return Aids | Sales Return Aids | Stock Transfer Aids
Others Sales Process | Budget Process