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Journal Voucher

Revision as of 13:02, 21 December 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Journal Voucher

Allows the user to create a voucher to be used for financial activity like sales return and purchase return.

Requirements before using Journal Voucher
Journal Voucher Record List
Adding Journal Voucher
  1. Go to Financials then click Journal Voucher
  2. Click Add Journal Voucher Button
  3. Fill out the necessary fields on the Journal Voucher Header Form.
  4. Fill out the Accounting Details of the Journal Voucher Form then Click Save
Field Description Expected Values
1.Voucher No. •Voucher Number of the Transaction upon creation •Alphanumeric(Auto-Generated)
2.Reference No. •Reference Number of the Transaction •Alphanumeric
3.Transaction Date •Date when the Transaction was Created •Date
4.Proforma •Financial statements is to facilitate comparisons of historic data and projections of future performance. •Proforma list provided in the Proforma Maintenance Module
5.Notes •Other Remarks on the Transaction •Alphanumeric
6.Account •Account to be charged for credit and debit amount on the transaction •Account list in the Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module
7.Description •Any remarks or description on the Account •Alphanumeric
8.Debit •Debit Amount for the Transaction •Number
9.Credit •Credit Amount for the Transaction •Number


  • Proforma should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
    • This can be seen in Proforma Maintenance Module
    • Past Transactions with INACTIVE Proforma prior to its deactivation can still be used.
  • Account should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
  • Journal Voucher is autogenerated when creating a Sales Return.
  • Journal Voucher is autogenerated when creating a Purchase Return.
  • Only one user can use Add Voucher function at a time.
Editing Journal Voucher
  1. Go to Financials then click Journal Voucher
  2. Select the Journal Voucher that needs an edit, click the drop-down arrow then choose Edit.
  3. Update the necessary the fields. Then click Save.
Field Description Expected Values
1.Voucher No. •Voucher Number of the Transaction upon creation •Alphanumeric(Auto-Generated)
2.Reference No. •Reference Number of the Transaction •Alphanumeric
3.Transaction Date •Date when the Transaction was Created •Date
4.Proforma •Financial statements is to facilitate comparisons of historic data and projections of future performance. •Proforma list provided in the Proforma Maintenance Module
5.Notes •Other Remarks on the Transaction •Alphanumeric
6.Account •Account to be charged for credit and debit amount on the transaction •Account list in the Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module
7.Description •Any remarks or description on the Account •Alphanumeric
8.Debit •Debit Amount for the Transaction •Number
9.Credit •Credit Amount for the Transaction •Number


  • Proforma should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
    • This can be seen in Proforma Maintenance Module
    • Past Transactions with INACTIVE Proforma prior to its deactivation can still be used.
  • Account should be on ACTIVE status when using it upon creating or editing a transaction.
  • When Sales Return record was updated, the Journal Voucher corresponds to it will also be updated.
  • Journal Vouchers that are auto-generated from Payment Voucher cannot be edited.
  • Only one user can use Edit Voucher function at a time.
Importing and Exporting Journal Voucher

1. Under Journal Voucher Screen, Click Options

2. Under Options, The user may Export or Import The Record

  • When Exporting the records, the user may also use the filter options such as Date Filter, Search Bar and Source filter for precise searching and exporting of records.
  • When Importing the records, the user should follow the following steps provided in the Importing Journal Voucher Screen such as
    • Downloading the template link provided under Step 1.
    • Filling up the information needed for each columns of the template
    • Uploading the updated Template
Import Data Dictionary of Journal Voucher
Field Description of Data Output Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Required (Y/N)
1.Document Set Manual Entry of Document Set of Journal Voucher *Alphanumeric

*Underscore "_"

*Other Special characters not mentioned Y
2.Transaction Date Manual entry of Transaction Date of the Voucher *Numeric

*Dash "-"

*Backslash "\"

*Other Special characters not mentioned Y
3.Reference No. Manual Entry of Accounts Payable Reference No. *Alphanumeric

*Underscore "_"

*Dash "-"

*Other Special characters not mentioned N
4.Notes Manual Entry of Journal Voucher Reference No. *Alphanumeric

*Underscore "_"

*Dash "-"

*Other Special characters not mentioned N
5.Account Name Manual Entry of Account Name - must be based from Chart of Account Maintenance *Numeric

*Account Name based from Chart of Account Maintenance Module

*Any input not mentioned in the allowed inputs Y
6.Description Manual Entry of Account Description *Alphanumeric

*Special Characters

*None N
7.Debit Manual entry of Debit Amount *Numeric *Any input except numbers Y
8.Credit Manual entry of Credit Amount *Numeric *Any input except numbers Y
Journal Voucher Record Options
Actions Available base on Disbursement Voucher Record Status
Status View Edit Print Post Unpost Cancel


  • Only Manually created Journal Vouchers can be edited
    • Manually created Journal Vouchers can be edited while viewing the record.
  • Any auto-generated Journal Voucher will set its status into POSTED
Financials Financials | Journal Voucher
Inventory Purchase Return | Sales Return
Maintenance Proforma | Chart of Account