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Inventory Adjustment

Revision as of 10:40, 11 May 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Inventory Adjustment

Allows the user to adjust the quantity of items on a specific warehouse

Requirements before using Inventory Adjustment
Inventory Adjustment Notice
File:Inventory Adjustment Notice.png
Inventory Adjustment Notice


  • The system will lock for a mean time when a user proceed to use the Inventory Adjustment.
Inventory Adjustment List
File:Inventory Adjustment List.png
Inventory Adjustment List


  • For easier access on a specific Item, the user can filter the search by Warehouse, Brand, Item or both
  • The Warehouse status should be active to proceed on the Inventory Adjustment.
    • This can be seen in Warehouse Maintenance Module
  • The Item status should be active in order to adjust the item quantity on the Inventory Adjustment.
  • Every Inventory Adjustment performed will be seen in Inventory Movement Module.
  • For detailed steps on how to perform an Inventory Adjustment. You can visit the Inventory Adjustment Job Aids which can be found here
Inventory Adjustment Option
File:Inventory Adjustment Option.png
Inventory Adjustment Option


  • List of Accounts from Debit account can be seen in Chart of Account Maintenance Module
Inventory Adjustment Serialized Options
File:Inventory Adjustment Serialized Option.png
Inventory Adjustment Serialized Option
  • Serialized Items should have Serial Number or codes in order to proceed to Inventory Adjustments
Inventory Adjustment Serialized Item Serial No. List
File:Inventory Adjustment Serialized Item Serial No. List.png
Inventory Adjustment Serialized Item Serial No. List

Inventory Inventory Adjustment | Inventory Movement | Inventory Inquiry
Maintenance Item Master | Brand | Warehouse | Chart of Account
Job Aid Modules
Inventory Aids Inventory Adjustment Aids | Inventory Movement Aids | Inventory Inquiry Aids
Maintenance Aids Item Master Aids | Brand Aids | Warehouse Aids | Chart of Accounts Aids