
Revision as of 11:27, 7 April 2022 by Gelo (talk | contribs) (Changed categories.)


This maintenance screen allows users to configure the details of their Company.

Field Description Expected Values
1.Company Logo • Logo of the Company • JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF
2.Company Name Name of the Company • Alphanumeric
3.Line of Business Nature of Business • Alphanumeric
4.Business Type • Type of Business • Individual/Corporate
5.Company TIN • Tax Identification number of the Company • Number
6.RDO Code • Revenue District Office Code • RDO Code List
7.First Name • First Name of the Contact Person • Text
8.Middle Name • Middle Name of the Contact Person • Text
9.Last Name • Last Name of the Contact Person • Text
10.Contact Role • Position of the Contact Person • Alphanumeric
11.Phone • Phone Number of the Contact Person • Alphanumeric
12.Mobile • Mobile Number of the Contact Person • Alphanumeric
13.Address • Address of the Company • Alphanumeric
14.Email Address • Email Address of the Company • Alphanumeric
15.Signatory Name • Name of the Authorized Signatory • Text
16.Signatory Role • Position of the Authorized Signatory • Text
17.Signatory TIN • Tax Identification Number of the Authorized Signatory • Number
18.Accounting Period • Accounting Period of the Company • Fiscal/Calendar
19.Period Start • Starting Period of the Company • Month
20.Apply Withholding Tax On • Account to be Applied when applying for Withholding Tax • Payment Voucher/Accounts Payable
21.Quotation Expiration(Days) • Number of Days of Quotation Expiration • Number
Editing Company Details
  1. Go to Maintenance then click Company
  2. Clicking the Company Logo allows the user to upload their company logo.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are require fields.
Maintenance - Company - Edit.png

Maintenance Maintenance | Company
Financials Accounts Payable | Payment Voucher