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Sales Invoice

Revision as of 12:28, 30 September 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Sales Invoice

This module allows the user to keep track the status of the transactions of a customer if it is Unpaid, Partial Payment, Paid or Cancelled.

Sales Invoice Record List

File:Sales Invoice Record List.png
Sales Invoice Record List

Adding Sales Invoice

File:Adding Sales InvoiceV2.png
Adding Sales Invoice

Field Description Expected
1.Invoice Date •Date when the transaction has been invoiced. •Date
2.Reference •Reference number of the Invoice Transaction •Text
3.Due Date •Due date of the Sales Invoice •Date
4.Notes •Other Remarks for the transaction •Text

Editing Sales Invoice

File:Editing Sales InvoiceV2.png
Editing Sales Invoice
Field Description Expected
1.Invoice Date •Date when the transaction has been invoiced. •Date
2.Reference •Reference number of the Invoice Transaction •Text
3.Due Date •Due date of the Sales Invoice •Date
4.Notes •Other Remarks for the transaction •Text

Sales Invoice Options

File:Sales Invoice Options.png
Sales Invoice Options

Sales Invoice Record Options

File:Sales Invoice Record Options.png
Sales Invoice Record Options

Sales Invoice View Record

File:Sales Invoice View Record.png
Sales Invoice View Record