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Fixed Asset Class

Revision as of 13:09, 28 December 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Fixed Asset Class

This maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add Asset Class for their General Ledger Accounts.

Fixed Asset Class Record List
File:Fixed Asset Class Record List.png
Fixed Asset Class Record List


  • Fixed Asset Class is required when creating Fixed Asset Master
    • Fixed Asset Class can be used in Fixed Asset Master as long as its status is "ACTIVE"
Adding Fixed Asset Class
File:Adding Fixed Asset Class.png
Adding Fixed Asset Class
Field Description Expected Output
1.Code •Reference Code for the Fixed Asset Class •Alphanumeric
2.Asset Class •Asset Class •Alphanumeric
3.Depreciate •Checking if the Fixed Asset Class is Depreciating •Tick/Untick
4.No. of Months use of Life •Life of Specific Asset Class •Number
5.Salvage Value •Price when the Asset is Salvaged •Number
6.GL Account Asset •Account where the asset is assigned •Account List from Chart of Accounts
7.GL Account (Acc Dep) •Account where the asset is assigned on Accounting Department •Account List from Chart of Accounts
8.GL Account (Depreciate Expense) •Account where the asset is assigned when there is a Depreciation •Account List from Chart of Accounts


  • "ACTIVE" chart of account list are the accounts that can be used in:
    • GL Account Asset
    • GL Account (Acc Dep)
    • GL Account (Depreciate Expense)
Editing Fixed Asset Class
File:Editing Fixed Asset Class.png
Editing Fixed Asset Class
Field Description Expected Output
1.Asset Class •Asset Class •Alphanumeric
2.Depreciate •Checking if the Fixed Asset Class is Depreciating •Tick/Untick
3.No. of Months use of Life •Life of Specific Asset Class •Number
4.Salvage Value •Price when the Asset is Salvaged •Number
5.GL Account Asset •Account where the asset is assigned •Account List from Chart of Accounts
6.GL Account (Acc Dep) •Account where the asset is assigned on Accounting Department •Account List from Chart of Accounts
7.GL Account (Depreciate Expense) •Account where the asset is assigned when there is a Depreciation •Account List from Chart of Accounts
Fixed Asset Class Option
File:Fixed Asset Class Option.png
Fixed Asset Class Option
Fixed Asset Class Record Option
File:Fixed Asset Class Record Option.png
Fixed Asset Class Record Option


  • "INACTIVE" Fixed Asset Class cannot be used when creating or editing Fixed Asset Master.
    • Fixed Asset Class is required when creating Fixed Asset Master.
Fixed Asset Class View Record
File:Fixed Asset Class View Record.png
Fixed Asset Class View Record


  • The user is allowed to edit the details when viewing the record.