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Item Master

Revision as of 13:12, 28 December 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Item Master

This maintenance screen allows the users to configure and add items to be used on their transaction.

Item Master Record List
File:Item Master Record List.png
Item Master Record List
Adding Item Master(Item Details)
File:Adding Item Master(Item Details).png
Adding Item Master(Item Details)

Field Description Expected Values
1.Item Code •Reference Code of Item •Alphanumeric
2.Item Name •Name of the Item •Alphanumeric
3.Barcode •Barcode of the Item •Alphanumeric
4.Item Description •Description of the Item •Alphanumeric
5.Item Class •Item Class categorization of the item •Item Class List provided on Item Class on Maintenance Module
6.Item Group •Item Group categorization of the Item •Goods/Services/Non-Inventory
7.Item Type •Type of the Item •Item Type list provided on Item Type Maintenance Module
8.Weight •Weight of the Item •Number
9.Weight Type •Weight Type of the Item •Weight Type Selection List
10.Bundle •Classification if the item is a bundle type •Tick/Untick
11.Serial Number •Serial Number of the Item •Alphanumeric
12.Engine Number •Engine Number of the item •Alphanumeric
13.Chasis Number •Chasis Number of the Item •Alphanumeric
14.Brand •Brand of the Item •Brand List Provided on Brand Maintenance Module
15.Replacement Part •Classification if the item is a Replacement Part •Tick/Untick
16.Replacement Item •Item to Be replaced on Replacement Part •Item List Provided from the Item Master Maintenance Module
Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure)
File:Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure).png
Adding Item Master(Unit of Measure)
Field Description Expected Values
1.Base UOM •Base Unit of Measure of the Item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
2.Selling UOM •Unit of Measure when selling the Item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
3.Qty(Selling UOM) •Qty of Selling UOM •Number
4.Purchasing UOM •Unit of Measure when purchasing an item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
5.Qty(Purchasing UOM) •Qty of Purchasing UOM •Number
Adding Item Master(Accounting Details)
File:Adding Item Master(Accounting Details).png
Adding Item Master(Accounting Details)
Field Description Expected Values
1. Debit Account(Sales) •Debit Account on Sales Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
2. Credit Account(Sales) •Credit Account on Sales Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
3. Debit Account(Purchase) •Debit Account on Purchase Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
4. Credit Account(Purchase) •Credit Account on Purchase Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
5. Inventory Account •Inventory Account of the item •Account List under Chart of Accounts
6. Revenue Type •Tax Revenue type of the item •Tax Type List under Tax Maintenance Module
7. Expense Type •Tax Expense Type of the item •Tax Type List under Tax Maintenance Module


  • The following modules are required when creating and editing an Item. The record's status must be "ACTIVE" in order to use it on the Item master Module.
    • Item Class
    • Item Type
  • If the item is declared as serialized. The serial number registration can be done on Inventory Adjustment Module under Inventory.
Editing Item Master (Item Details)
File:Editing Item Master(Item Details).png
Editing Item Master(Item Details)
Field Description Expected Values
1.Item Name •Name of the Item •Alphanumeric
2.Barcode •Barcode of the Item •Alphanumeric
3.Item Description •Description of the Item •Alphanumeric
4.Item Class •Item Class categorization of the item •Item Class List provided on Item Class on Maintenance Module
5.Item Group •Item Group categorization of the Item •Goods/Services/Non-Inventory
6.Item Type •Type of the Item •Item Type list provided on Item Type Maintenance Module
7.Weight •Weight of the Item •Number
8.Weight Type •Weight Type of the Item •Weight Type Selection List
9.Bundle •Classification if the item is a bundle type •Tick/Untick
10.Serial Number •Serial Number of the Item •Alphanumeric
11.Engine Number •Engine Number of the item •Alphanumeric
12.Chasis Number •Chasis Number of the Item •Alphanumeric
13.Brand •Brand of the Item •Brand List Provided on Brand Maintenance Module
14.Replacement Part •Classification if the item is a Replacement Part •Tick/Untick
15.Replacement Item •Item to Be replaced on Replacement Part •Item List Provided from the Item Master Maintenance Module


  • The following modules are required when creating and editing an Item. The record's status must be "ACTIVE" in order to use it on the Item master Module.
    • Item Class
    • Item Type
  • If the item is declared as serialized. The serial number registration can be done on Inventory Adjustment Module under Inventory.
Editing Item Master (Unit of Measure)
File:Editing Item Master(Unit of Measure).png
Editing Item Master(Unit of Measure)
Field Description Expected Values
1.Base UOM •Base Unit of Measure of the Item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
2.Selling UOM •Unit of Measure when selling the Item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
3.Qty(Selling UOM) •Qty of Selling UOM •Number
4.Purchasing UOM •Unit of Measure when purchasing an item •UOM List provided in Unit of Measure Maintenance Module
5.Qty(Purchasing UOM) •Qty of Purchasing UOM •Number
Editing Item Master (Accounting Details)
File:Editing Item Master(Accounting Details).png
Editing Item Master(Accounting Details)
Field Description Expected Values
1. Debit Account(Sales) •Debit Account on Sales Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
2. Credit Account(Sales) •Credit Account on Sales Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
3. Debit Account(Purchase) •Debit Account on Purchase Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
4. Credit Account(Purchase) •Credit Account on Purchase Details •Account List under Chart of Accounts
5. Inventory Account •Inventory Account of the item •Account List under Chart of Accounts
6. Revenue Type •Tax Revenue type of the item •Tax Type List under Tax Maintenance Module
7. Expense Type •Tax Expense Type of the item •Tax Type List under Tax Maintenance Module
Item Master Option
File:Item Master Option.png
Item Master Option
Item Master Importing Option
File:Item Master Importing Option.png
Item Master Importing Option
Item Master Record Option
File:Item Master Record Option.png
Item Master Record Option
Item Master View Record
File:Item Master View Record.png
Item Master View Record


  • The user can edit the details while viewing the record.