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Trial Balance

Revision as of 12:34, 5 February 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Trial Balance

Trial Balance Menu

File:Trial Balance Menu.png
Trial Balance Menu

Trial Balance refers to an overview of balances of the chart of accounts(Debit and Credit) in a given period(Monthly and Yearly).

Trial Balance Menu Terms on Oojeema Prime System:

  1. Date Range - gives the user a set of date range on how they will view their Balance Sheet.
  2. Close Period - refers to a process to verify and adjust the balances of account to produce reports regarding company's financial position on that given period.
    • Closing of Period will be done monthly. The Journal Vouchers created for the monthly period can still be adjusted.
    • Upon Year-end Closing, All monthly periods on that year will be posted.
    • Upon Year-end Closing, You cannot cancel any monthly periods on that year.
  3. Account Code - reference number code for a specific accounting entry for transaction.
  4. Account Name - the account name corresponds to its account code.
  5. Previous Carryforward - Previous Balance to be carryforward for the current Period.
    • Balance with parenthesis () means that the balance will be deducted to the Balance for the Period.
  6. Balance Carryforward - Current Balance to be carry forward to the next Period.
  7. Total Debit - the Total Debit on the specific Account Code.
    • Clicking on the Amount link will redirect you to the set of reference on that specific Account Code.
  8. Total Credit - the Total Credit on the specific Account Code.
    • Clicking on the Amount link will redirect you to the set of reference on that specific Account Code.
  9. Balance for the Period - Current Balance for this current Period(Base from the Total Credit, Total Debit, and Carry forwards on the Trial Balance Sheet)
  10. Closing - list of Balance before closing.
  11. Accumulated Balance - Overall balanced on the specific period.


  • For detailed Instructions on how to closed a period, Export Records and how to view the reference codes. The user can visit the Trial Balance Aids which can be found here.

Closing Period Menu

File:Closing of Period Menu.png
Closing of Period Menu

Closing of Period Terms under Trial Balance Menu

  1. Closing Period - The set of period to be closed.
    • If the user reaches the end of a Period (December on the case of Calendar), a modal will pop up right after the user clicks the Confirm button for the Month of December.  The Modal will display the Closing Period of January to December with a Closing Account of Retained Earnings.
    • For year-end closing, the closing period will be indicated from January to December.
  2. Notes - remarks before closing a Period.
  3. Closing Account - the account to be close in the period.
File:Closing of Period Breakdown.png
Closing of Period Breakdown

Closing of Period Breakdown Terms under Closing Period Menu

  1. Voucher No. - the reference number to be assigned once the Period has been closed.
  2. Transaction Date - The assigned month to be closed.
    • For year-end closing, the Transaction date will be the last Day of the year.
  3. Reference - the reference of the date of book closing for the month.
    • For year-end closing, the reference will be Year end closing for the designated year
  4. Notes - any remarks for the closing Period.
  5. Account - Set of Accounts under Income Statement Entries.
  6. Description - Description for the specific Accounts.
  7. Debit - Set of amounts under Debit Accounts.
  8. Credit - Set of Amounts under Credit Accounts.
Financials Journal Voucher
Maintenance Maintenance | Account Code | Chart of Account
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Financial Statement
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement | General Ledger | General Journal | Trial Balance | Statement of Account | Accounts Receivable Aging | AR Detailed Report | AR Transaction Report Accounts Payable Aging | AP Detailed Report | AP Transaction Report | Cash Position | Check List | Deposit List | Collection Register
Job Aid Modules
Financials Aids Journal Voucher Aids
Maintenance Aids Account Codes Aids | Chart of Accounts Aids
Reports Aid
Financial Statements Balance Sheet Aids | Income Statement Aids | General Ledger Aids | General Journal Aids | Trial Balance Aids | Statement of Account Aids | Accounts Receivable Aging Aids | AR Detailed Report Aids | AR Transaction Report Aids | Accounts Payable Aging Aids | AP Detailed Report Aids | AP Transaction Report Aids | Cash Position Aids | Check List Aids | Deposit List Aids | Collection Register Aids