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Revision as of 14:15, 13 April 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)


This maintenance screen allows users to add and configure Brand for their items.

Brand Record List
File:Brand Record List.png
Brand Record List
Adding Brand
Field Description Expected Values
1.Brand Code •Reference Code of the Brand •Alphanumeric
2.Brand Name •Name of the Brand •Alphanumeric


  • For detailed instruction on how to create a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.
Editing Brand
Field Description Expected Values
1.Brand Name •Name of the Brand •Alphanumeric


  • For detailed instruction on how to edit a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.
Brand Options


  • For detailed instruction on how to Export and Import a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.
Brand Importing Option
File:Brand Importing Option.png
Brand Importing Option


  • For detailed instruction on how to export a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.

Brand Record Option
File:Brand Record Option.png
Brand Record Option


  • The brand under INACTIVE status cannot be used when branding an item on Item Master Maintenance Module.
  • For detailed instruction on how to View, Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Delete a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.

Brand View Record
File:Brand View Record.png
Brand View Record


  • The user can edit the Brand Record on View Function.
  • For detailed instruction on how to View a Brand. You can visit the Brand Job Aids which can be found here.

Maintenance Maintenance | Brand | Item Master
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Brand Aids | Item Master Aids