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Chart of Account

Revision as of 14:45, 29 September 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Chart of Account

A chart of accounts is a list of the categories used by an organization to classify and distinguish financial assets, liabilities, and transactions

Chart of Account Record List

Adding Chart of Account

Field Description Expected Values
1.Account Code •Reference Code for the Account •Alphanumeric
2.Account Name •Name of the Account •Alphanumeric
3.Account Class •Class of the Account •Account Class List provided in Account Class Maintenance Module
4.FS Presentation •Presentation of Financial Statements •Balance Sheet/Income Statement
5.Account Type •Type of Account •Child/Parent/Both
6.Parent Account Title •Parent Account related on the Account •Parent Account Title List
7.Account Nature •Nature of Account if it is Debit or Credit •Debit/Credit


  • When creating a Chart of Accounts, account class field is required, make sure to check the Account Class module first when creating a Chart of Accounts
  • Detailed instructions on how to create a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Editing Chart of Account

Field Description Expected Values
1.Account Code •Reference Code for the Account •Alphanumeric
2.Account Name •Name of the Account •Alphanumeric
3.Account Class •Class of the Account •Account Class List provided in Account Class Maintenance Module
4.FS Presentation •Presentation of Financial Statements •Balance Sheet/Income Statement
5.Account Type •Type of Account •Child/Parent/Both
6.Parent Account Title •Parent Account related on the Account •Parent Account Title List
7.Account Nature •Nature of Account if it is Debit or Credit •Debit/Credit


  • Detailed instructions on how to edit a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Chart of Account Options


  • Detailed instructions on how to Export and Import a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Chart of Account Importing Option


  • Detailed instructions on how to import a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Chart of Account Record Option


  • The list of accounts can be used as long as its status is ACTIVE
  • INACTIVE accounts cannot be used in the transaction but the INACTIVE accounts on the past transactions can still use it.
  • Detailed instructions on how to View, Edit, Deactivate/Activate and delete a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Chart of Account View Record


  • The user has an option to Edit the details when viewing the record.
  • Detailed instructions on how to view a Chart of Account, you can visit the Chart of Account Job Aids which can be found here
Maintenance Maintenance | Chart of Account | Account Class | Account Codes | Proforma | Tax
Financials Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable | Credit Memo | Debit Memo | Disbursement Voucher | Journal Voucher | Petty Cash | Payment Voucher | Receipt Voucher
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Chart of Accounts Aids | Account Codes Aids | Proforma Aids | Tax Aids
Financials Aids Accounts Payable Aids | Accounts Receivable Aids | Credit Memo Aids | Debit Memo Aids | Disbursement Voucher Aids | Journal Voucher Aids | Petty Cash Aids | Payment Voucher Aids | Receipt Voucher Aids
Reports Job Aid
Financial Statements Aids Balance Sheet Aids | Income Statement Aids