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AR Detailed Report

Revision as of 12:56, 2 December 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

AR Detailed Report

AR Detailed Report Menu

AR Detailed Report refers to the list of detailed customers with unpaid invoices.

Requirements before using AR Detailed Report
AR Detailed Report Terms on Oojeema Prime System
Field Description
1. Record Filter(Date Range, Customer) Provides a set of filter option for precise searching of records.
  • Date Range is default set at the current date
  • Customer is automatically set to Filter: All
2. Export Allows the user to Export the report into spreadsheet.
3. Customer Code Reference Code for customer record.
  • The set of Customers and Customer Code can be seen in Customer Maintenance Module.
  • Customer Codes is a unique field on Customer Maintenance Module, thus, it cannot be edited once created.
4. Customer Name The Customer Name affiliated to the Customer Code.
  • Customer Name can be edited in Customer Maintenance Module.
5. Voucher Number Reference Number of a specific Accounts Receivable.
6. Transaction Date Date when the Voucher was created.
7. Invoice No Reference No. of the source transaction of the Accounts Receivable
8. Remarks Notes or descriptions attached on the Receivable.
9. Amount Total Amount of the Receivable
10. Amount Paid The Total Amount paid for the Receivable (It can be partial or whole)
11. Balance The remaining Balance after computing the Total amount less the Amount Paid.
  • AR detailed report will clear the record of the Accounts receivable when the remaining balance reaches zero.


  • Customer Status must be ACTIVE in order to check its status in the AR Detailed Report.
    • Customer Records can be seen in Customer Maintenance Module
Exporting AR Detailed Report
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click AR Detailed Report under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under AR Detailed Report, click the Export Button on the right side. Take note that you can filter the date and the customer for precise exportation of records.
Viewing Vouchers on AR Detailed Report
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click AR Detailed Report under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under AR Detailed Report, Check the Voucher Number Column, you will see the voucher list with links for a specific date. Click on the voucher number to redirect you to the View mode of Accounts Receivable.
    • The user may Receive Payment of the receivable while viewing the record
Sales Sales Invoice
Financials Accounts Receivable
Maintenance Maintenance | Customer
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Customer Aids
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Financial Statement
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement | General Ledger | General Journal | Trial Balance | Statement of Account | Accounts Receivable Aging | AR Detailed Report | AR Transaction Report | Accounts Payable Aging | AP Detailed Report | AP Transaction Report | Cash Position | Check List | Deposit List | Collection Register