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Revision as of 11:40, 20 December 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)


This maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the currencies that will be used on their transaction.

Currency Record List
Adding Currency
  1. Go to Maintenance then click Currency
  2. Click Add Currency Button
  3. Fill out the necessary fields then click Save.
Field Description Expected Output
1.Currency Code •Reference Code for Currency •Alphanumeric
2.Currency Name •Name of Currency •Text


  • Currency Code is a unique field, it cannot be edited once created.
Editing Currency
  1. Go to Maintenance then click Currency
  2. Select a Currency that needs an update. Click the drop-down arrow then choose Edit.
  3. Update the fields then click Save.
Field Description Expected Output
1.Currency Name •Name of Currency •Text


  • Currency Code is a unique field, it cannot be edited once created.
Currency Record Option
Actions Available base on Currency Record Status
Status View Edit Deactivate Activate Delete


  • The user can edit the Currency when viewing its details
  • The Currency record cannot be deleted once it is used in a transaction or in other modules.
  • The base Currency cannot be deactivate or activate once used.
  • Activating/Deactivating and Deleting of Records can be done in two ways.
    • For single records, the user may use the drop down arrow then the action that need to perform.
    • For multiple records, the user may tick the records then click the action button that need to perform
      • Click the Yes in the confirmation to proceed on the action taken.
Maintenance Maintenance | Currency | Exchange Rate
Purchase Import Purchase Order
Financials Accounts Payable | Debit Voucher | Payment Voucher