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Exchange Rate
- Last edited 2 years ago by Gelo
Exchange Rate
This maintenance screen allows the users to configure the exchange rate of the specific currency.
Requirements before using Exchange Rate
- The user should setup the following Maintenance Module in order to proceed on using the Exchange Rate
- For detailed instructions on how to setup the needed Maintenance Module, the user may visit the following Job Aid pages:
Exchange Rate Record List
File:Exchange Rate Record List.png
Exchange Rate Record List
Adding Exchange Rate
File:Adding Exchange Rate.png
Adding Exchange Rate
Field | Description | Expected Values |
1.Effectivity Rate | •The date where the exchange rate changes will be applied | •Date |
2.Exchange Rate | •The amount to be exchanged on the currency | •Number |
3.Base Currency | •The currency to be converted. | •Currency List provided by the Currency Maintenance Module |
4.Expected Currency | •The converted currency from base currency | •Currency List provided by the Currency Maintenance Module |
- Currency must be on ACTIVE status in order to Add details on the Exchange Rate
- This can be seen in Currency Maintenance Module
- Exchange Rate set on the module can also be edited on the transactions in case there are updates in the conversion.
- For Detailed instructions on how to add Exchange Rate, you can visit the Exchange Rate Job Aid which can be found here
Editing Exchange Rate
File:Editing Exchange Rate.png
Editing Exchange Rate
Field | Description | Expected Values |
1.Effectivity Rate | •The date where the exchange rate changes will be applied | •Date |
2.Exchange Rate | •The amount to be exchanged on the currency | •Number |
3.Base Currency | •The currency to be converted. | •Currency List provided by the Currency Maintenance Module |
4.Expected Currency | •The converted currency from base currency | •Currency List provided by the Currency Maintenance Module |
- Currency must be on ACTIVE status in order to Edit details on the Exchange Rate
- Exchange Rate set on the module can also be edited on the transactions in case there are updates in the conversion.
- The update the Exchange Rate, the user must edit it in the Maintenance Module instead on the transaction.
- If the user updated the Maintenance module Exchange Rate, the user should also manually edit the exchange rate if the transactions exchange rate is need to be update.
- The following modules that can be applied by exchange rate are the following
- For Detailed instructions on how to edit Exchange Rate, you can visit the Exchange Rate Job Aid which can be found here
Exchange Rate Record Option
File:Exchange Rate Record Option.png
Exchange Rate Record Option
- For Detailed instructions on how to View, Edit, Activate, Deactivate and Delete Exchange Rate, you can visit the Exchange Rate Job Aid which can be found here
Exchange Rate View Record
File:Exchange Rate View Record.png
Exchange Rate View Record
- The user is allowed to edit the details when viewing the record.
- For Detailed instructions on how to View Exchange Rate, you can visit the Exchange Rate Job Aid which can be found here
Modules | |
Maintenance | Maintenance | Currency | Exchange Rate |
Purchase | Import Purchase Order |
Financials | Accounts Payable | Debit Memo | Debit Voucher | Payment Voucher |
Job Aid Modules | |
Maintenance Aids | Currency Aids | Exchange Rate Aids |
Purchase Aids | Import Purchase Order Aid |
Financials | Accounts Payable Aids | Debit Memo Aids | Debit Voucher Aids | Payment Voucher Aids |