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Check List

Revision as of 12:38, 7 March 2022 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Check List

Check List Menu

Financial Statements - Check List - Record List.png

Check List refers to the list of Issued Checks in a given period of time.

Requirements before using Check List
Check List Record Status
Status Description
PREPARED Check is issued and prepared and can be released, prepared or cancelled
RELEASE Check has been issued and release it for payment purposes.
VOID Voiding and disabling the effectivity of check so that it cannot be used on Payments.
CANCELLED If the Check is Cancelled
Check List terms on Oojeema Prime:
Field Description
1. Check Actions(Release, Void, Cancel) Set of Actions on changing the status of a specific Check
  • Release - Check has been issued and release it for payment purposes.
  • Void - Voiding and disabling the effectivity of check so that it cannot be used on Payments.
  • Cancel - Cancelling the issued Checks.
2. Record Filter(Partners, Date Range, Bank, Search Bar, Status Bar) Provides a set of filter option for precise searching of records.
3. Export Allows the user to Export the Records in the spreadsheet
4. Status Tab Set of Filter Tabs based from the status of Check
5. Check Date Date when the check was issued.
6. Check Number Reference number of Check
7. Invoice Number Invoice number assigned for the specific Check
8. Voucher Number Voucher number where the check is applied
9. Bank Bank where the check is issued.
10. Partner Partner where the check will be issued.
11. Amount The Amount issued on the check.
12. Release Date Date where the check will be released.
13. Remarks Any notes or remarks when the check was released.
14. Cleared Date Date when the check is considered as cleared.
15. Check Status The status of the check if it is Prepared/Void/Released/Cancelled

Releasing Check

  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Check List under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under Check list, tick the selected voucher that needs to be release then click Release Button. Take note that you can only release a check if the status of the check is posted.
Financial Statements - Check List - Release Check.png

Release Check Menu List:
Field Description
1. Release Date The date when the Check will be release.
2. Remarks Any description or notes to be attach when releasing the check.



  • Bank Status should be ACTIVE in order to check its check status.
    • This can be seen in Bank Maintenance Module.
    • Any Check issued in the INACTIVE bank cannot be used for new transactions
  • Partners is the combination of Suppliers and Customers.
    • The status of Suppliers can be seen in Supplier maintenance module.
    • The Suppliers must be on ACTIVE status in order for them to be search.
Voiding Check on Check List
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Check List under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under Check List, Select the check that needs to be void. Tick the check and click the Void Button.
  4. Click Yes on the Confirmation to void the check.
Financial Statements - Check List - Void Check.png

Cancelling Check on Check List
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Check List under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under Check List, Select the check that needs to cancel. Tick the check and click the Cancel Button.
  4. Click Yes on the Confirmation to proceed to cancellation process.
Financial Statements - Check List - Cancel Check.png
Viewing Check on Check List
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Check List under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under Check List, Click the voucher link under Voucher No. column to view the recordNotes:
  • The user may print the The check while viewing the Payment Voucher
Financial Statements - Check List - View.png
Exporting Check List
  1. Under the Main Menu, Click Reports
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Check List under Financial Statement Reports.
  3. Under Check List, Click the Export on the right side of the screen. The user may filter the date range, supplier, bank or user the search bar for precise exportation of records.
Financial Statements - Check List - Export.png

Financials Disbursement Voucher | Payment Voucher
Maintenance Maintenance | Bank | Supplier
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Financial Statement
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement | General Ledger | General Journal | Trial Balance | Statement of Account | Accounts Receivable Aging | AR Detailed Report | AR Transaction Report | Accounts Payable Aging | AP Detailed Report | AP Transaction Report | Cash Position | Check List | Deposit List | Collection Register