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Price List

Revision as of 10:05, 27 October 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Price List

This maintenance screen allows the users to configure the prices of the items to be used in their transaction

Price List Record

File:Price List Record.png
Price List Record

Adding Price List

File:Adding Price List.png
Adding Price List
Field Description Expected Values
1.Price List Code •Code of the Price List •Alphanumeric
2.Price List Name •Name of the Price List •Alphanumeric
3.Description •Description of the Price List •Alphanumeric
4.Item Code •Item to be included on the Price List •Item List provided on Item Master Maintenance Module
5.Original Price •Original Price of the Item •Number
6.Adjusted Price •New Price of the Item •Number
7.UOM •Unit of Measure of the Item •Alphanumeric


  • Price List Code is unique for each record, Once created, the Price List Code Field cannot be edited.
  • When adding an Item in the Pricelist, the system required to put the Item Code. Double-check the item code that corresponds to the item that the price to be updated.
    • To check, refer to Item Master Maintenance Module.
    • The Item status should be "ACTIVE" in order for its price to be adjusted.

Editing Price List

File:Editing Price List.png
Editing Price List
Field Description Expected Values
1.Price List Name •Name of the Price List •Alphanumeric
2.Description •Description of the Price List •Alphanumeric
3.Item Code •Item to be included on the Price List •Item List provided on Item Master Maintenance Module
4.Original Price •Original Price of the Item •Number
5.Adjusted Price •New Price of the Item •Number
6.UOM •Unit of Measure of the Item •Alphanumeric

Price List Option

File:Price List Option.png
Price List Option

Price List Importing Option

File:Price List Importing Option.png
Price List Importing Option


  • When importing Price List, Tagging the same item to pricelist with the same customer type is restricted.
  • Adding Multiple Items with the same Price List name by changing only the Item Code and Final Selling Price each row in the template. Please make sure that the contents from the price list name up to price markup are the same.

Price List Record Option

File:Price List Record Option.png
Price List Record Option

Price List View Record

File:Price List View Record.png
Price List View Record

Price List Tag Customer View List

File:Price List Tag Customer View Record.png
Price List Tag Customer View Record

Price Master List Record

File:Price Master List Record.png
Price Master List Record
Field Description Expected Value
1.Selling Price •Selling Price of an Item •Number
2.Edit Button •Allows the user to Edit the Selling Price •Enables Selling Price Field

Price Master List Option

File:Price Master List Option.png
Price Master List Option

Price Master Importing Option

File:Price Master Importing Option.png
Price Master Importing Option