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Purchase Requisition

Revision as of 12:18, 27 October 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Purchase Requisition

This module allows the user to create a document to create an order request on their company.

Purchase Requisition List

File:Purchase Requisition Record List.png
Purchase Requisition Record List

Adding Purchase Requisition

File:Adding Purchase Requisition.png
Adding Purchase Requisition

Field Description Expected Values
1.Requestor •User that request for the items to be purchased •User List provided in the Users Maintenance Module
2.Department •Reference number of the Invoice Transaction •Text
3.Transaction Date •Due date of the Sales Invoice •Date
4.Expiration Date •Other Remarks for the transaction •Date
5.Date Needed •Date when the request items are needed •Date
6.Notes •Other remarks for the transaction •Alphanumeric
7.Project •Assigned Project for the Transaction •Project List Provided in the Project Maintenance Module
8.Item •Item list to be requested on the transaction •Item List Provided in the Item Master Maintenance Module
9.Quantity •Quantity of Items •Number

Editing Purchase Requisition

File:Editing Purchase Requisition.png
Editing Purchase Requisition
Field Description Expected Values
1.Requestor •User that request for the items to be purchased •User List provided in the Users Maintenance Module
2.Department •Reference number of the Invoice Transaction •Text
3.Transaction Date •Due date of the Sales Invoice •Date
4.Expiration Date •Other Remarks for the transaction •Date
5.Date Needed •Date when the request items are needed •Date
6.Notes •Other remarks for the transaction •Alphanumeric
7.Project •Assigned Project for the Transaction •Project List Provided in the Project Maintenance Module
8.Item •Item list to be requested on the transaction •Item List Provided in the Item Master Maintenance Module
9.Quantity •Quantity of Items •Number


  • The user can only edit the Purchase Requisition Entry if the record is on "DRAFT" status.

Purchase Requisition Options

File:Purchase Requisition Options.png
Purchase Requisition Options

Purchase Requisition Record Options

File:Purchase Requisition Record Options.png
Purchase Requisition Record Options


  • The user can only cancel the record if the Transaction is still on "PENDING" status.

Purchase Requisition View Record

File:Purchase Requisition View Record.png
Purchase Requisition View Record


  • The user can edit the details while viewing the record.