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Sales Invoice

Revision as of 13:34, 28 March 2022 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Sales Invoice

This module allows the user to keep track the status of the transactions of a customer if it is Unpaid, Partial Payment, Paid or Cancelled.

Requirements before using Sales Invoice
Sales Invoice Record Status
Status Description
UNPAID If the Sales Invoice has been created
PARTIAL If the Sales Invoice has been paid partially.
PAID If the Sales Invoice items has been completely paid.
CANCELLED If the Sales Invoice is cancelled.

Sales Invoice Record List
Sales - Sales Invoice - Record List.png

Creating Sales Invoice
  1. Click Sales Invoice under Sales Menu
  2. Under Sales Invoice Screen, Click Add Sales Invoice
  3. Fill up the Necessary Fields then Click Save. Note: Fields with * are require fields
    • Thee user will be given an option to tag a Profit Center to the Auto-Generated Accounts Receivable transaction.
Sales - Sales Invoice - Add.png

Creating Sales Invoice Information
Field Description Expected Values
1.Invoice Date •Date when the transaction has been invoiced. •Date
2.Customer •Name of Customer •Customer List from Customer Maintenance Module
3.Delvery Receipt Number •Delivery Receipt to be Invoiced •Delivery Receipt List from the assigned Customer in Delivery Receipt Module
4.TIN •TIN Number of the Customer •Auto-generated base from customer information in Customer Maintenance Module
5.Terms •Number of Days for the customer to settle the sales transaction •Auto-generated base from customer information in Customer Maintenance Module
6.Address •Name of Customer •Set of Customer List provided in Customer Maintenance Module
7.Invoice Date •Date when the transaction has been invoiced. •Date
8.Reference •Reference number of the Invoice Transaction •Text
9.Due Date •Due date of the Sales Invoice •Date
10.Notes •Other Remarks for the transaction •Text
11.Item •List of Items to be Invoiced •Item List provided in the Item Master Maintenance Module
12.Description •Description of the Item •Alphanumeric
13.Quantity •Quantity of items to be delivered •Numeric
14.Unit of Measure •Unit of Measure of the Item •Types of Unit of Measure provided in the Unit of Measure Maintenance Module.
15.Price •Initial price per unit of item •Numeric
16.Discount •Discount Amount to be applied on the item depending on the Discount type chosen. •Numeric
17.Tax •Quantity of items to be delivered •Numeric
18.Amount •Total Amount of the Item •Numeric(Auto-generated)


  • Item Details cannot be edited on the Sales Invoice.
    • Item Details can only be edited when reverting back the Delivery Receipt status to PREPARED
    • Any updates done in the Delivery Receipt will be carry over when tagging it to Sales Invoice.
  • The user will be given an option to tag a Profit Center to the Auto-Generate Accounts Receivable transaction.
Viewing Sales Invoice
  1. Click Sales Invoice under Sales Menu
  2. Select a Sales Invoice that needs to view its details, click the drop-down arrow then click View.
  3. The user has an option to Edit the Sales Invoice upon viewing
Sales - Sales Invoice - View.png

Editing Sales Invoice
  1. Click Sales Invoice under Sales Menu
  2. Select a Sales Invoice that needs to update its details, click the drop-down arrow then click Edit.
  3. Update up the Necessary Fields then Click Save
Sales - Sales Invoice - Edit.png


  • Item Details cannot be edited on the Sales Invoice.
    • Item Details can only be edited when reverting back the Delivery Receipt status to PREPARED
    • Any updates done in the Delivery Receipt will be carry over when tagging it to Sales Invoice.
  • The user will be given an option to tag a Profit Center to the Auto-Generate Accounts Receivable transaction.
Printing Sales Invoice Record
  1. Click Sales Invoice under Sales Menu
  2. Under Sales Invoice Screen, Select a record that needs to print its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click Print Invoice.
Sales - Sales Invoice - Print.png
Exporting Sales Invoice Record

1. Under Sales Invoice Screen, Click Options

2. Under Options, The user may Export the Record

  • When Exporting the records, the user may also use the filter options such as Date Filter, Search Bar and Customer filter for precise searching and exporting of records.
Sales - Sales Invoice - Export.png

Cancelling Sales Invoice Record

Sales Invoice can be canceled in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record cancellation
Sales - Sales Invoice - Cancel1.png

  • Using Cancel Button for cancelling multiple records
Sales - Sales Invoice - Cancel2.png
Sales Invoice Options
Actions Available base on Sales Invoice Record Status
Status View Edit Print Invoice Cancel


  • The user may edit the details of the record while viewing the record.
  • The user can only delete the Sales Invoice record if it is on UNPAID status.
  • Cancelling the Sales Invoice Record can revert the status of Delivery Receipt to PREPARED.
  • Records that has PAID status can only be reverted to UNPAID if the Receipt Voucher entry has been cancelled.
Sales Sales | Sales Quotation | Sales Order | Delivery Receipt | Sales Invoice
Financials Accounts Receivable | Receipt Voucher
Maintenance Customer | Item Master | Profit Center | Warehouse
Sales Reports Sales Register | Sales Report