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Revision as of 13:48, 27 October 2020 by Gelo (talk | contribs)


This maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Supplier to be assigned when purchasing transactions

Supplier Record List

File:Supplier Record List.png
Supplier Record List

Adding Supplier

File:Adding Supplier.png
Adding Supplier
Field Description Expected Values
1.Code •Reference Code of the Supplier •Alphanumeric
2.Company Name •Supplier's COmpany Name •Alphanumeric
3.Address •Address of the Supplier •Alphanumeric
4.Email •Email of the Supplier •Alphanumeric
5.Business Type •Business Type of the Supplier's Company •Individual/Corporate
6.Contact Number •Contact Number of the Supplier •Number
7.First Name •First Name of the Contact Person •Alphanumeric
8.Last Name •Last Name of the Contact Person •Alphanumeric
9.Payment Terms •Days on completing the sale •Number
10.TIN •Tax Identification Number of the Contact person •Number


  • Code is a required unique field on Supplier Module. This cannot be edited once created.

Editing Supplier

File:Editing Supplier.png
Editing Supplier
Field Description Expected Values
1.Company Name •Supplier's COmpany Name •Alphanumeric
2.Address •Address of the Supplier •Alphanumeric
3.Email •Email of the Supplier •Alphanumeric
4.Business Type •Business Type of the Supplier's Company •Individual/Corporate
5.Contact Number •Contact Number of the Supplier •Number
6.First Name •First Name of the Contact Person •Alphanumeric
7.Last Name •Last Name of the Contact Person •Alphanumeric
8.Payment Terms •Days on completing the sale •Number
9.TIN •Tax Identification Number of the Contact person •Number

Supplier Option

File:Supplier Option.png
Supplier Option

Supplier Importing Option

File:Supplier Importing Option.png
Supplier Importing Option

Supplier Record Option

File:Supplier Record Option.png
Supplier Record Option


  • Supplier is required field on the transactions related to payments
    • The Supplier must be Active in order to use it on the following transactions:
      • Import Purchase Order
      • Purchase Order
      • Purchase Receipt
      • Accounts Payable
      • Payment Voucher
      • Debit Memo
      • Debit Voucher

Supplier View Record

File:Supplier View Record.png
Supplier View Record


  • The user is allowed to edit the details when viewing the record.