Sales Top Item

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Sales - Top Item

Sales Top Item Menu List

Sales Top Item refers the list of items sold at a Given Period, ranking the Top sales from highest to lowest.

Requirements before using Sales - Top Item
Sales Top Item Menu List Terms on Oojeema Prime:
Field Description
1. Record Filter (Date Range, Brand, Item List) Set of filter records for precise searching of records.
  • Date range will be automatically set on the current month by default.
  • Brands will be automatically set on Filter: All by default.
  • Items displayed option will be automatically set to 10 by default.
2. Export Allows the user to Export the report into Spreadsheet.
3. Rank The rank of the items based on quantity and amount sales from highest to lowest.
4. Item The name of the item.
5. Brand The brand of the item.
6. Category The Class or the category of the item.
7. Unit of Measure The standard unit of measure of the item.
8. Quantity Sold Number of items sold
9. Quantity Returned Number of items returned
10. Net Quantity Total number of items sold based from its quantity sold and the items returned
11. Amount The total amount of all items based on its net quantity


  • Brand must be on ACTIVE status in order to view its records in the report
    • Brand status can be seen in Brand Maintenance Module
    • No records will be display if all items in the Item Master has no brand indicated.
  • Clicking the link on Quantity Sold and Quantity Returned will redirect the user to the detailed List of Transactions corresponding to that Item.
Exporting Sales - Top Item
  1. Click Reports under Main Menu
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Sales - Top Item under Sales Reports.
  3. Under Sales-Top Item, click the Export Button on the right side. Take note that the user can filter the date and Brand for precise Exportation of Records
Sales Reports - Sales Top Item - Export.png

List of Transactions (Quantity Sold)
Sales Reports - Sales Top Item - List of Transactions Quantity Sold.png

List of Transactions for Quantity Sold refers to a detailed report of a specific item and its list of Invoices breakdown of its sales.

List of Transactions for Quantity Sold Terms under Sales - Top Item Menu List
Field Description
1. Item Code Reference Number of the Item
2. Search Bar A search text box that guides the users to find a specific record.
3. Transaction Date Date when the transaction was created.
4. Voucher No. Reference No. of the Invoice
5. Quantity Number of Items sold in Sales Invoice
6. Amount The total amount sold based from the Quantity and its unit Price


  • Clicking on the Voucher Number will redirect the user to the View Sales Invoice Module.
List of Transactions(Quantity Returned)
Sales Reports - Sales Top Item - List of Transactions Quantity Returned.png

List of Transactions for Quantity Returned refers to a detailed report of the returned item and its list of Sales Return breakdown.

List of Transactions for Quantity Returned Terms under Sales - Top Item Menu List
Field Description
1. Item Code Reference Number of the Item
2. Search Bar A search text box that guides the users to find a specific record.
3. Transaction Date Date when the transaction was created.
4. Voucher No Reference No. of the Sales Return
5. Quantity Number of Items Returned in the Sales Return record
6. Amount The total amount returned based from the Quantity and its unit Price


  • Clicking on the Voucher Number will redirect the user to the View Sales Return Module.
Viewing Quantity Sold on Sales Analysis - Top Item
  1. Click Reports under Main Menu
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Sales - Top Item under Sales Reports.
  3. Under Sales – Top Item Report, click on the quantity link under Qty Sold Column to redirect to the Sales List of Transaction
  4. Under Detailed List of Transaction, select a record link under Voucher No. column.
Sales Reports - Sales Top Item - View(Quantity).png

Viewing Quantity Returned on Sales Analysis - Top Item
  1. Click Reports under Main Menu
  2. Under Reports Menu, Click Sales - Top Item under Sales Reports.
  3. Under Sales – Top Item Report, click on the quantity link under Qty Returned Column to redirect to the Returned List of Transaction
  4. Under Detailed List of Transaction, select a record link under Voucher No. column.
Sales Reports - Sales Top Item - View(Returned).png

Sales Sales Invoice
Inventory Sales Return
Maintenance Maintenance | Brand | Item Class | Warehouse
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Sales Reports
Sales Reports Sales Report | Sales Register | Sales per Warehouse | Sales per Customer | Sales per Stock | Sales Transfer per Stock | Sales per Item | Sales per Category | Sales-Top Item | Returns per Customer