Inventory Movement

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Inventory Movement

Allows the user to view the activity of movement of their items.

Requirements before using Inventory Movement
Inventory Movement Record List
Inventory - Inventory Movement - Record List.png


Exporting Inventory Movement Records
  1. Click Inventory Movement under Inventory Menu
  2. Click the Export Button. Take note that the user can Filter the Date Range, Item, Warehouse and Brand for precise Exportation of records.
Inventory - Inventory Movement - Export.png

Viewing Reference No. Transactions in Inventory Movement
  1. Click Inventory Movement under Inventory Menu
  2. Under Inventory Movement, You can click on the Reference No. link to redirect you to the Voucher Preview.
Inventory - Inventory Movement - View Reference.png

Inventory Inventory | Inventory Movement | Inventory Adjustment | Purchase Return | Sales Return | Stock Transfer
Sales Delivery Receipt
Purchase Purchase Receipt
Maintenance Brand | Item Master | Warehouse