Unit of Measure

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Unit of Measure

This maintenance screen allows the user to configure and add Unit of measure on the items.

Unit of Measure Record List
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Record List.png


  • Unit of Measure should be on ACTIVE status in order to use it when assigning a Unit Of Measure to Item Master.
Adding Unit of Measure
  1. Click Unit of Measure under Maintenance Menu
  2. Under Unit of Measure Screen, Click Add Unit of Measure
  3. Fill out the necessary fields then click Save Note: Fields with * are require fields
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Add.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Character Limit Require Field?
1.Unit Code •Reference Code for Unit of Measure *Alphanumeric

*Dash "-"

*Underscore "_"

Other Special Characters not mentioned 10 Yes
2.Unit Description •Description of Unit of Measure *Alphanumeric

*Special Characters (Period, Comma, Space, Percent, Ampersand, Left Parenthesis, Right Parenthesis, Left Bracket, Right Bracket, Underscore, Minus, Plus, Equal, Slash, Dollar Sign, Number Sign, At Sign, Exclamation, Single Quote, Double Quote, Colon, and Semicolon)

Other Special Characters not mentioned on the list 50 Yes
3.Unit Type •Type of Unit of Measure *Length




Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs N/A Yes


  • Unit Code is a required unique field on the module. This field cannot be edited once created.
Viewing Unit of Measure
  1. Click Unit of Measure under Maintenance Menu
  2. Select a Unit of Measure record that needs to view its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click View
  3. The user has an option to Edit the Unit of Measure upon viewing it.
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - View.png

Editing Unit of Measure
  1. Click Unit of Measure under Maintenance Menu
  2. Find the Unit of Measure Entry that needs an update. Click the Drop-down Arrow then choose Edit.
  3. Update the fields then click Save to finish the edit process.
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Edit.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Character Limit Require Field?
1.Unit Code •Reference Code for Unit of Measure N/A N/A N/A N/A
2.Unit Description •Description of Unit of Measure *Alphanumeric

*Special Characters (Period, Comma, Space, Percent, Ampersand, Left Parenthesis, Right Parenthesis, Left Bracket, Right Bracket, Underscore, Minus, Plus, Equal, Slash, Dollar Sign, Number Sign, At Sign, Exclamation, Single Quote, Double Quote, Colon, and Semicolon)

Other Special Characters not mentioned on the list 50 Yes
3.Unit Type •Type of Unit of Measure *Length




Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs N/A Yes


  • Unit Code is a required unique field on the module. This field cannot be edited once created.
Importing and Exporting Unit of Measure

1. Under Unit of Measure Screen, Click Options

2. Under Options, The user may Export or Import The Record

  • When Exporting the records, the user may also use the filter options through tabs for precise searching and exporting of records.
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Export.png

  • When Importing the records, the user should follow the following steps provided in the Importing Item Master Screen such as
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Import.png
Field Description Allowed Inputs Input Restrictions Character Limit Require Field?
1.Unit Code •Reference Code for Unit of Measure *Alphanumeric

*Dash "-"

*Underscore "_"

Other Special Characters not mentioned 10 Yes
2.Unit Description •Description of Unit of Measure *Alphanumeric

*Special Characters (Period, Comma, Space, Percent, Ampersand, Left Parenthesis, Right Parenthesis, Left Bracket, Right Bracket, Underscore, Minus, Plus, Equal, Slash, Dollar Sign, Number Sign, At Sign, Exclamation, Single Quote, Double Quote, Colon, and Semicolon)

Other Special Characters not mentioned on the list 50 Yes
3.Unit Type •Type of Unit of Measure *Length




Any inputs not mentioned in the required inputs N/A Yes

Activating Unit of Measure Record

Unit of Measure can be Activated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record Activation
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Activate1.png

  • Using Activate Button for activating multiple record
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Activate2.png

Deactivating Unit of Measure Record

Unit of Measure can be deactivated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deactivation
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Deactivate1.png

  • Using Deactivate Button for deactivating multiple record
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Deactivate2.png

Deleting Unit of Measure Record

Item Master can be deleted in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deletion
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Delete1.png

  • Using Delete Button for deleting multiple record
Maintenance - Unit of Measure - Delete2.png

Unit of Measure Record Option
Actions Available base on Unit of Measure Record Status
Status View Edit Deactivate Activate Delete


  • Unit of Measure details can be edited while viewing the record.
  • Unit of Measure(UOM) is required when creating an Item in Item Master Maintenance Module.
    • Unit of Measure can be used as long as its status is ACTIVE
      • Old records that using the INACTIVE Unit Of Measure can still be used prior to its deactivation.
  • Activating/Deactivating and Deleting of Records can be done in two ways.
    • For single records, the user may use the drop down arrow then the action that need to perform.
    • For multiple records, the user may tick the records then click the action button that need to perform
      • Click the Yes in the confirmation to proceed on the action taken.
    • Records that are not used in other modules can be deleted.
Maintenance Maintenance | Item Master | Unit of Measure