
Revision as of 12:05, 12 April 2022 by Gelo (talk | contribs)
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This maintenance screen allows users to configure and add the currencies that will be used on their transaction.

Currency Record List
Maintenance - Currency - Record List.png

Adding Currency
  1. Click Currency under Maintenance Menu
  2. Under Currency Screen, Click Add Currency
  3. Fill out the necessary fields then click Save.
Maintenance - Currency - Add.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Restricted Inputs Character Limit Required Field
1.Currency Code •Reference Code for Currency •Alphanumeric Special Characters 3 Yes
2.Currency Name •Name of Currency •Alphanumeric None 15 Yes


  • Currency Code is a unique field, it cannot be edited once created.
Viewing Currency
  1. Go to Maintenance then click Currency
  2. Select a Currency record that needs to view its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click View.
  3. The user has an option to edit the Currency record upon viewing it
Maintenance - Currency - View.png

Editing Currency
  1. Go to Maintenance then click Currency
  2. Select a Currency record that needs to update its details. Click the drop-down arrow then choose Edit.
  3. Update the necessary fields then click Save.
Maintenance - Currency - Edit.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Restricted Inputs Character Limit Required Field
1.Currency Code •Reference Code for Currency N/A N/A N/A N/A
2.Currency Name •Name of Currency •Alphanumeric None 15 Yes


  • Currency Code is a unique field, it cannot be edited once created.
Activating Currency Record

Currency can be Activated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record Activation
Maintenance - Currency - Activate1.png

  • Using Activate Button for activating multiple record.
Maintenance - Currency - Activate2.png

Deactivating Currency Record

Currency can be deactivated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deactivation
Maintenance - Currency - Deactivate1.png

  • Using Deactivate Button for deactivating multiple record
Maintenance - Currency - Deactivate2.png

Deleting Currency Record

Currency can be deleted in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deletion
Maintenance - Currency - Delete1.png

  • Using Delete Button for deleting multiple record
Maintenance - Currency - Delete2.png

Currency Record Option
Actions Available base on Currency Record Status
Status View Edit Deactivate Activate Delete


  • The user can edit the Currency when viewing its details
  • The Currency record cannot be deleted once it is used in a transaction or in other modules.
  • The base Currency cannot be deactivate or activate once used.
  • Activating/Deactivating and Deleting of Records can be done in two ways.
    • For single records, the user may use the drop down arrow then the action that need to perform.
    • For multiple records, the user may tick the records then click the action button that need to perform
      • Click the Yes in the confirmation to proceed on the action taken.
Maintenance Maintenance | Currency | Exchange Rate
Purchase Import Purchase Order
Financials Accounts Payable | Debit Voucher | Payment Voucher