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This maintenance screen allows the users to configure the position of the other users that will be using the system.

Position Record List
Maintenance - Position - Record List.png

  • Position is needed when creating a User.
    • Position with INACTIVE status can still be used by users prior to its deactivation.
Adding Position
  1. Click Position under Maintenance Menu
  2. Under Position Screen, Click Add Position
  3. Fill out the necessary fields then click Save.
Maintenance - Position - Add.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Restricted Input Character Limit Required Field?
1. Position •Position of the user •Alphanumeric None 100 Yes
2. Description •Description of the Position •Alphanumeric None 250 Yes
Viewing Position
  1. Click Position under Maintenance Menu
  2. Select a Position record that needs to view its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click View.
  3. The user has an option to edit the Position upon viewing it
Maintenance - Position - View.png

Editing Position
  1. Click Position under Maintenance Menu
  2. Select a Position that needs to update its details. Click the drop-down arrow then click Edit.
  3. Update the necessary fields then click Save.
Maintenance - Position - Edit.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Restricted Input Character Limit Required Field?
1. Position •Position of the user •Alphanumeric None 100 Yes
2. Description •Description of the Position •Alphanumeric None 250 Yes

Importing Position
  1. Click Position under Maintenance Menu
  2. Under Position Screen, click Options then click Import Position
  3. Download the template in the link provided under step 1.
  4. Fill up the information needed for each columns of the template.
  5. Upload the Update File then click Import to proceed
Maintenance - Position - Import.png

Field Description Allowed Inputs Restricted Input Character Limit Required Field?
1. Position •Position of the user •Alphanumeric None 100 Yes
2. Description •Description of the Position •Alphanumeric None 250 Yes

Activating Position Record

Position can be Activated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record Activation
Maintenance - Position - Activate1.png

  • Using Activate Button for activating multiple record
Maintenance - Position - Activate2.png

Deactivating Position Record

Position can be deactivated in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deactivation
Maintenance - Position - Deactivate1.png

  • Using Deactivate Button for deactivating multiple record
Maintenance - Position - Deactivate2.png

Delete Position Record

Position can be deleted in two ways:

  • Using drop-down arrow of a record can be used in single record deletion
Maintenance - Position - Delete1.png

  • Using Delete Button for deleting multiple record
Maintenance - Position - Delete2.png

Position Record Option
Actions Available base from Position Record Status
Status View Edit Deactivate Activate Delete


  • Position is Required when creating or Editing Users. Position is important when choosing what appropriate Users Group that the user will be assigned
    • Position can only be used if the status is ACTIVE
  • The user can edit the details while viewing the record.
  • If the Position record has been used in other records. Position cannot be deleted.
  • Activating/Deactivating and Deleting of Records can be done in two ways.
    • For single records, the user may use the drop down arrow then the action that need to perform.
    • For multiple records, the user may tick the records then click the action button that need to perform
      • Click the Yes in the confirmation to proceed on the action taken.
Maintenance Maintenance | Position | Users | Users Group