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Creating a New Expense

Oojeema Pro - Create New Expense Process Flow.png

To create a new Expense:

  1. On the menu bar, click on “Expense”. The Expense list will be displayed.
  2. Click “Create New Expense” button.
  3. Expense form will be displayed. Fill it out:
    1. Expense No. – system auto-generated
    2. Vendor – list of vendors will be displayed for selection. You can add new vendor by clicking “Add new Vendor” link from the Vendor dropdown list.
    3. Date – for Expense transaction date selection (displays current date by default)
    4. Document Number – for entry of reference document number (if any)
    5. Notes – for entry of remarks / notes for the Expense
    6. Expense Account – list of expense account will be displayed for selection.
    7. Description – for entry of selected Expense’s description
    8. Credit Account – list of credit account will be displayed for selection (displays “Accounts Payable – Non-Trade by default)
    9. Price – for entry of item’s purchase price per quantity (displays gross purchase price from the Maintenance: Items by default (if any))
    10. Tax – for expense tax type selection (displays “none” by default)
    11. Amount – system calculated (Amount = Price - tax amount)
    12. Add a New Line – link for adding new item for expense
    13. Subtotal – sum of expense’ amounts
    14. Total Purchases Tax – displays system calculated sum of purchase tax amount (if any)
    15. Withholding Tax – for withholding tax (ATC Code) selection (displays “none” by default)
      • None
      • WTAX (1%) – pop-up selection of applicable ATC Code
      • WTAX (2%) – pop-up selection of applicable ATC Code
      • WTAX (5%) – pop-up selection of applicable ATC Code
      • WTAX (10%) – pop-up selection of applicable ATC Code
      • WTAX (15%) – pop-up selection of applicable ATC Code
    16. Total – system calculated (Total = Subtotal + Total Purchases Tax – Withholding Tax amount)
  4. After filling-out the form, select saving option to finalize Expense Voucher creation. Otherwise, click “Exit”, to discard entries and exit the form.
    1. Save – click to save entries and exit back to Expense list.
    2. Save & New – click to save entries and open a new cleared Expense form.
    3. Save & Preview – click to save entries and view the created Expense Voucher details.