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Audit Trail

Revision as of 14:07, 10 February 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)

Audit Trail refers to the reports on how a specific user/s performing a task on a real time basis.

Audit Trail Terms on Oojeema System

  1. Record Filter (Date Range, Search Bar) - Filter Options for precise searching of records.
    • Date Range is set on the current month by default
  2. Date and Time - The exact Date and Time when the task is done by the user.
  3. User - the user that performs the current task on the specific Date and Time.
  4. Activity Done - The activity performed by the user on the specific Date and Time.
  5. Module - The module affected by the Activity Performed by the user.
  6. Task - A specific action performed in the Module
Sales Sales Quotation | Sales Order | Delivery Receipt | Sales Invoice
Purchase Import Purchase Order | Purchase Requisition | Purchase Order | Purchase Receipt
Financials Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable | Credit Memo | Credit Voucher | Debit Memo | Debit Voucher | Depreciation Run | Disbursement Voucher | Journal Voucher | Payment Voucher | Petty Cash | Receipt Voucher
Inventory Inventory Adjustment | Inventory Inquiry | Inventory Movement | Purchase Return | Stock Transfer | Sales Return
Maintenance Maintenance | Account Class | Account Codes | ATC Code | Bank | Branch | Brand | Budget | Budget Center | Chart of Account | Company | Currency | Customer | Exchange Rate | Fixed Asset Class | Fixed Asset Master | Item Class | Item Master | Item Type | Position | Price List | Proforma | Project | Sales Person | Supplier | Tax | Terms | Unit of Measure | Users | Users Group | Warehouse
Reports Module (Reports)
Reports Financial Statement | Sales Reports | Tracking Reports | Tax Reports | Parts and Services | Purchase Reports | Landed Cost Reports | Fixed Asset Reports | Budget Reports
Tracking Reports Audit Trail
Financial Statements Balance Sheet | Income Statement | General Ledger | General Journal | Trial Balance | Statement of Account | Accounts Receivable Aging | AR Detailed Report | AR Transaction Report | Accounts Payable Aging | AP Detailed Report | AP Transaction Report | Cash Position | Check List | Deposit List | Collection Register
Sales Reports Sales Person Report | Stock Ledger | Sales Report | Sales Register | Sales per Warehouse | Sales per Customer | Sales per Stock | Sales Transfer per Stock | Sales per Item | Sales per Category | Sales per Category | Sales Top Item | Returns per Customer
Tax Reports Sales Journal | Purchase Journal | VAT Summary | BIR Form 2550M | BIR Form 2550Q | BIR Form 0619-E | BIR Form 1601E-Q | BIR Form 1604E | Sales Relief | Summary Alphalist of Withholding Taxes
Parts and Service Reports Detailed Parts and Services Sales Report | After Sales Status Report
Purchase Reports Purchase Report | Average Cost
Landed Cost Reports Landed Cost | Job Report
Fixed Asset Reports Asset Depreciation | Asset History | Asset Master List | Asset Transaction
Budget Reports Budget Variance Report
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Sales Quotation Aids | Sales Order Aids | Delivery Receipt Aids | Sales Invoice Aids
Purchase Aids Import Purchase Order Aid | Purchase Requisition Aid | Purchase Order Aid | Purchase Receipt Aid
Financials Aids Accounts Payable Aids | Accounts Receivable Aids | Credit Memo Aids | Credit Voucher Aids | Debit Memo Aids | Debit Voucher Aids | Depreciation Run Aids | Disbursement Voucher Aids | Journal Voucher Aids | Payment Voucher Aids | Petty Cash Aids | Receipt Voucher Aids
Inventory Aids Inventory Adjustment Aids | Inventory Inquiry Aids | Inventory Movement Aids | Purchase Return Aids | Stock Transfer Aids | Sales Return Aids
Maintenance Aids Account Codes Aids | ATC Codes Aids | Bank Aids | Branch Aids | Brand Aids | Budget Aids | Budget Center Aids | Chart of Accounts Aids | Company Aids | Currency Aids | Customer Aids | Exchange Rate Aids | Fixed Asset Class Aids | Fixed Asset Master Aids | Item Class Aids | Item Master Aids | Item Type Aids | Position Aids | Price List Aids | Proforma Aids | Project Aids | Sales Person Aids | Supplier Aids | Tax Aids | Terms Aids | Unit of Measure Aids | Users Aids | Users Group Aids | Warehouse Aids
Reports Aid
Tracking Reports Audit Trail Aids
Financial Statements Balance Sheet Aids | Income Statement Aids | General Ledger Aids | General Journal Aids | Trial Balance Aids | Statement of Account Aids | Accounts Receivable Aging Aids | AR Detailed Report Aids | AR Transaction Report Aids | Accounts Payable Aging Aids | AP Detailed Report Aids | AP Transaction Report Aids | Cash Position Aids | Check List Aids | Deposit List Aids | Collection Register Aids
Sales Reports Sales Person Report Aids | Stock Ledger Aids | Sales Report Aids | Sales Register Aids | Sales per Warehouse Aids | Sales per Customer Aids | Sales per Stock Aids | Sales Transfer per Stock Aids | Sales per Item Aids | Sales per Category Aids | Sales per Category Aids | Sales Top Item Aids | Returns per Customer Aids
Tax Reports Sales Journal Aids | Purchase Journal Aids | VAT Summary Aids | BIR Form 2550M Aids | BIR Form 2550Q Aids | BIR Form 0619-E Aids | BIR Form 1601E-Q Aids | BIR Form 1604E Aids | Sales Relief Aids | Summary Alphalist of Withholding Taxes
Parts and Services Reports Detailed Parts and Services Sales Report Aids | After Sales Status Report Aids
Purchase Reports Purchase Report Aids | Average Cost Aids
Landed Cost Reports Landed Cost Aids | Job Report Aids
Fixed Asset Reports Asset Depreciation Aids | Asset History Aids | Asset Master List Aids | Asset Transaction Aids
Budget Reports Budget Variance Report Aids