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Allows the user to create Journal Voucher to cater their financial transactions.

Pro Journal Menu

Journal Menu List
Field Description Expected Output
1.Create Journal Voucher Allows the user to create a Journal Voucher Create
2.Record Filters Set of Filter options for precise searching of records Filter options(date, search, Status Tabs and display lists)
3.Voucher Status Tab List of Voucher Status Posted - Vouchers that are paid and posted

Cancelled - Vouchers that are cancelled

4.Record Summary List of Voucher Records based from filtered Options Voucher Lists from Journal Module
Voucher Options
Journal Voucher Options Menu


  • For further instructions on how to View, Edit, Print or Cancel a Voucher, the user may refer to Journal Job Aids which can be found here
    • Journal Voucher cannot be edited if its status is already CANCELLED.
Journal Journal | Journal Voucher
Maintenance Chart of Account
Job Aid Modules
Journal Aids Journal Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Chart of Accounts Job Aids