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Journal Voucher

Journal Voucher

Allows the user to create a voucher to be used for financial activities.

Requirements before using Journal Module
  • The user should setup the following Maintenance Module in order to proceed on using the Journal Module
    1. Chart of Account
  • For detailed instructions on how to setup the needed Maintenance Module, the user may visit the following Job Aid pages:
    1. Journal Job Aids
Pro Journal Voucher

Journal Voucher Module List
Field Description Expected Output
1.JV No. Journal Voucher Reference Number generated once created Auto-generated upon Creation
2.Document Date Date when the Voucher was created Date
3.Reference Reference No. related to the Voucher Alphanumeric
4.Notes Any remarks descriptions in the Voucher Alphanumeric
5.Account Code List of Accounts to be used in the Voucher Account List from Chart of Accounts Maintenance Module
6.Description Description of the Account Code to be used Alphanumeric
7.Debit Debit Amount of the Account Numeric
8.Credit Credit Amount of the Account Numeric
9.Delete Allows the user to Delete the Line Delete an existing Line
10.Add New Line Allows the user to Add a new Line in the Voucher Adds a New Line
  • User has an option on how the Journal will be save. Below are the following options on saving a Journal
    • Save - the system will save the Journal Voucher and will redirect the user to Journal Module Menu
    • Save and New - the system will save the Journal Voucher and will redirect the user to Create Journal Menu
    • Save and Preview - the system will save the Journal Voucher and will redirect the user on viewing the Journal Module.
  • The Credit Amount should be equal to Debit Amount.
Journal Journal | Journal Voucher
Maintenance Chart of Account
Job Aid Modules
Journal Aids Journal Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Chart of Accounts Job Aids