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Expense Module

Expense Module

Allows the user to create Expense Transactions as well as issuing payments base from transaction.

Requirements before using Expense Module
Expense Menu List

Module List
Field Description
1.Create Expense Allows the user to create a Expense Transaction.
2.Issue Payment Allows the user to create a transaction for Issuing Payments.
3.Options Allows the user to Export or Import the list of Records
4.Record Filter Allows the user to set a specific filter options for precise searching of records
5.Status Tab Allows the user to set and filter the records based from its status. It can be
  • Unpaid - Records that have not yet paid.
  • With Partial Payment - Records that have down payments
  • Paid - Records that are fully paid
  • Cancelled - Records that have been cancelled.
  • All - All records without filters.
6.Summary of Records List of Purchase Records given based from the set filters
Options Menu List
Expense Options Menu
Record Option List
Expense Record Option Menu


  • The user can only View, Edit, Issue Payment or Cancel a Transaction if the status is UNPAID
    • For more details on how to View, Edit, Print, Issue Payment and Cancel a Purchase Transaction, Job aids can be found here
Import Expense List
Expense Import Menu

Expense Purchase | Purchase Order | Issue Payment
Maintenance Chart of Account | Vendors | Tax
Job Aid Modules
Expense Aids Oojeema Pro Expense Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Chart of Accounts Job Aids | Vendors Job Aids | Tax Job Aids