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Purchase Menu

Purchase Module

Allows the users to create Purchase Order transactions as well as Issuing Payments base from transactions.

Requirements before using Purchase Module
  • The user should setup the following Maintenance Module in order to proceed on using the Purchase Module
    1. Pro Vendors
    2. Items
    3. Tax
  • For detailed instructions on how to setup the needed Maintenance Module, the user may visit the following Job Aid pages:
    1. Vendors Job Aids
    2. Items Job Aids
    3. Tax Aids
Purchase Module Menu List
Purchase Menu List
Module List
Field Description
1.Create New Purchase Allows the user to create a Purchase Transaction.
2.Issue Payment Allows the user to create a transaction for Issuing Payments.
3.Options Allows the user to Export or Import the list of Records
4.Record Filter Allows the user to set a specific filter options for precise searching of records
5.Status Tab Allows the user to set and filter the records based from its status. It can be
  • Unpaid - Records that have not yet paid.
  • With Partial Payment - Records that have down payments
  • Paid - Records that are fully paid
  • Cancelled - Records that have been cancelled.
  • All - All records without filters.
6.Summary of Records List of Purchase Records given based from the set filters
Options Menu List
Purchase Options Menu
Record Option List
Purchase Record Option


  • The user can only View, Edit, Issue Payment or Cancel a Transaction if the status is UNPAID
    • For more details on how to View, Edit, Print, Issue Payment and Cancel a Purchase Transaction, job aids can be found here
Import Purchase Menu List
Import Purchase Menu

Purchase Purchase | Purchase Order | Issue Payment
Maintenance Vendors | Items | Tax
Reports Purchase Report | Pro Item Tracking | Pro Audit Trail | Purchase Journal | Purchase Relief
Job Aid Modules
Purchase Aids Purchase Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Vendors Job Aids | Items Job Aids | Tax Job Aids
Reports Aids Purchase Report Job Aids | Item Tracking Job Aids | Audit Trail Job Aids | Purchase Journal Job Aids | Purchase Relief Job Aids