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Item Tracking

Item Tracking

Item Tracking Report allows the user to track the sale and purchases of the items in their company. This includes the quantity and amount sold as well as the quantity and amount purchased.

Item Tracking Menu

Item Tracking Report Menu Terms
Field Description
1.Record Filter Set of filters for precise search of records
2.Export (CSV) Allows the user to Export the record into CSV spreadsheet
3.Item Name of Items in the report
4.Quantity Sold Number of items Sold based from the vouchers
5.Amount Sold Total amount sold based from the quantity of the item in respective vouchers
6.Quantity Purchased Number of items Purchased based from the vouchers
7.Amount Purchased Total amount purchased based from the quantity of the items in respective vouchers
8. Net Quantity Overall number of quantities based from sold minus the purchased quantity


  • For further instructions on how to Detailed list of Quantity Sold and Purchase, the user may visit the Item Tracking Job Aids which can be found here
Quantity Sold Detailed List
Item Tracking Quantity Sold Detailed List
Quantity Sold View Voucher
Item Tracking Quantity Sold View Voucher

Quantity Purchase Detailed List
Item Tracking Quantity Purchase Detailed List

Quantity Purchase View Voucher
Pro Quantity Purchase View Voucher

Inventory Report Sales Report | Purchase Report | Item Tracking
Reports Job Aid Aids
Inventory Report Sales Report Job Aids | Purchase Report Job Aids | Item Tracking Job Aids
Sales Sales | Sales and Service Invoice | Receive Payments
Purchase Purchase | Purchase Order | Issue Payment
Maintenance Items
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Sales Job Aids
Purchase Aids Purchase Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Items Job Aids