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Sales and Service Invoice

Sales and Service Invoice

Allows the user to create Sales Invoice and Service Invoice to document their sales of goods and services.

Requirements before using Sales and Service Invoice
Sales and Service Invoice Menu List
Sales and Service Invoice


User has an option on how the Invoice will be save. Below are the following options on saving an Invoice.

  • Save - the system will save the Invoice and will redirect the user to Sales Module Menu
  • Save and New - the system will save the Invoice and will redirect the user to Create Sales Invoice Menu
  • Save and Preview - the system will save the Invoice and will redirect the user on viewing the Invoice.
  • Save and Pay - the system will save the Invoice and will redirect the user on Receive Payments Menu
Sales and Service Menu List
Field Description Expected Output
1.Invoice Invoice Reference Number once the transaction was generated Auto Generated
2.Customer Name of the Customer in the Transaction Customer List from the Customer Maintenance Module
3.DR No. Delivery Receipt No. to be referenced in the Invoice Transaction Numeric
4.PO No. Purchase Order No. to be referenced in the Invoice Transaction Numeric
5.Date Date when the transaction is created Date
6.Due Date Date when the transaction is expected to due Date
7.Notes Any notes and descriptions related to the Invoice Transaction Alphanumeric
8.Item Items to be transacted in the Invoice Item List from the Items Maintenance Module
9.Description Description of the Items Alphanumeric(Auto-generated if setup in the Items Maintenance Module)
10.Quantity Quantity of the Items in the Invoice Numeric
11.Price Price per quantity of an Item Numeric
12.Tax Tax to be applied per Item Tax List from the Tax Maintenance Module
13.Amount Total Amount of the item base on its price and its quantity Numeric
14.Delete Allows the user to delete a specific item line Yes or No
15.Add New Line Allows the user to add an item line Additional item line
Discount Menu
Discount Details Form
Discount Details Form List
Field Description Expected Output
1.Discount Type Type of Discount to be applied in the Transaction PWD

Senior Discount

Trade Discount

2.Discount Rate Rate of Discount to be applied in the Transaction Numeric
3.Gross Sales Gross Amount of the Transaction Numeric
4.Discount Amount Amount of Discount to be applied in the Transaction base from the Discount Rate Numeric
5.Save Save any changes in the discount Details Form Updated Discount Details Form
6.Exit Exit and cancel any changes made in the discount Details Form Closes the Discount Details Form
Discount Summary
7.Discount Type Type of Discount to be applied in the Transaction PWD

Senior Discount

Trade Discount

8.Gross Gross Amount of the Transaction Numeric
9.Discount Rate Rate of Discount to be applied in the Transaction Numeric
10.Discount Amount Amount of Discount to be applied in the Transaction base from the Discount Rate Numeric
11.Edit Allows the user to edit the discount details Update
12.Delete Delete any Discount entry in the Discount Details Form List Delete
Sales Sales | Sales and Service Invoice | Receive Payments
Maintenance Customer | Discount Senior and PWD | Items | Price List |Tax
Reports Sales Report | Item Tracking | Audit Trail | Discount Senior and PWD | Sales Journal | Sales Relief
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Sales Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Customers Job Aids | Items Job Aids | Price List Job Aids | Tax Job Aids | Sales Invoice Print Job Aids
Reports Aids Sales Report Job Aids | Item Tracking Job Aids | Audit Trail Job Aids | Discount Senior and PWD Job Aids | Sales Journal Job Aids | Sales Relief Job Aids