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Sales Module

Revision as of 13:23, 12 August 2021 by Gelo (talk | contribs)
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Allows the users to create Sales Invoice and Service Invoice transactions as well as Receiving payments base from transactions.

Requirements before using Sales Module
Sales Module Menu List
Sales Menu List

Module List
Field Description
1.Create New Invoice Allows the user to create an Invoice Transaction. This can be a
  • Sales Invoice - Documents for sales of goods
  • Service Invoice - Supplemental documents for sales of service
2.Receive Payment Allows the user to create a transaction for Paying Invoices.
3.Options Allows the user to Export or Import the list of Records
4.Record Filter Allows the user to set a specific filter options for precise searching of records
5.Status Tab Allows the user to set and filter the records based from its status. It can be
  • Unpaid - Records that have not yet paid.
  • With Partial Payment - Records that have down payments
  • Paid - Records that are fully paid
  • Cancelled - Records that have been cancelled.
  • All - All records without filters.

Create New Invoice Menu List
Create New Invoice Menu List

Options Menu List
Sales Options Menu List
Record Option List
Record Option List


  • The user can only Edit, Receive Payment and Cancel the transaction if the status is still UNPAID.
    • Detailed steps on how to View, Edit and Cancel Invoice records can be found here

Import Sales Menu List

Import Sales Menu List


The user should setup the following Maintenance Module in order to proceed on using the Sales Module

  1. Customer
  2. Items
  3. Price List
  4. Tax
Sales Sales and Service Invoice | Receive Payments
Maintenance Customer | Items | Price List |Tax
Reports Sales Report | Item Tracking | Audit Trail | Sales Journal | Sales Relief
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Sales Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Customers Job Aids | Items Job Aids | Price List Job Aids | Tax Job Aids | Sales Invoice Print Job Aids
Reports Aids Sales Report Job Aids | Item Tracking Job Aids | Audit Trail Job Aids | Sales Journal Job Aids | Sales Relief Job Aids