No categories assigned

Price List

Price List

This maintenance screen allows the users to configure the prices of the items to be used in their transaction

Requirements before using Price List Module
  • The user should setup the following Maintenance Module in order to proceed on using the Price List Module
    1. Customer
    2. Items
  • For detailed instructions on how to setup the needed Maintenance Module, the user may visit the following Job Aid pages:
    1. Customers Job Aids
    2. Items Job Aids

Price List Main Menu
Price List Main Menu
Price List Record List
Field Description Expected Output
1. Options Menu List of Options available when checking the Customer Add Price List - Allows the user to add a Customer Record

Export Price List - Allows the user to export customer records to a spreadsheet

2. Search Bar Allows the user to search for an Account Record Alphanumeric
3. Master List Allows the user to access the Master List of a specific Price List Master List Menu
4. Display Allows the user to filter the number of records to viewed on one page 10/15/20/50/100
5. Price List Record List List of Records of the Customer based from their Template Code, Template Name and Template Description Price List from Price List Maintenance Module
Price List Options
Price List Options


  • For further instructions on how to Add and Export a Price List, the user may visit Price List Job Aids which can be found here
Price List Record Options
Price List Record Options


  • For further instructions on how to View, Edit, Delete or Tag Customer on a specific Price List record, the user may visit Price List Job Aids which can be found here
Adding Price List
Price List Add

Price List Add List
Field Description Expected Output
1.Template Code Unique Reference Code when creating a Price List Template Alphanumeric
2.Template Name Name of the Template corresponds to its code Alphanumeric
3.Template Description Description of the Price List Template Alphanumeric
4.Search Bar Allows the user to search of a Particular Item Price Alphanumeric
5.Item Code Unique Reference Code of an Item Tick/Untick to enable Price edit
6.Item Name Name of an Item based from its Item Code Alphanumeric(Based from Items Maintenance Module)
7.Selling Price Selling price of an Item Price based from Master List


  • For further instructions on how to Add a Price List Template, the user may visit Price List Job Aids which can be found here
Price List View Record
Price List View Record


  • User has an option to Edit or Exit the Price List View.
  • For further instructions on how to Edit and View the Price List, the user may visit the Price List Job Aids which can be found here
Price Master List
Price Master List


  • For further instructions on how to apply price on the Master Price List, the user may visit the Price List Job Aids which can be found here
Price Master Menu List
Field Description Expected Output
1.Search Bar Allows the user to search for a specific Item Alphanumeric
2.Item Code Unique Reference Code of an Item Alphanumeric(Based from Items Maintenance Module)
3.Item Name Name of an Item corresponds on the Item Code Alphanumeric(Based from Items Maintenance Module)
4. Selling Price Selling Price of an Item Numeric
Maintenance Customer | Items | Price List
Sales Sales | Sales and Service Invoice | Receive Payments
Purchase Purchase | Purchase Order | Issue Payment
Job Aid Modules
Maintenance Aids Customers Job Aids | Items Job Aids
Sales Aids Sales Job Aids
Purchase Aids Purchase Job Aids