No categories assigned

Discount Senior and PWD

Discount: Senior/PWD

Discount: Senior/PWD refers to the list of transaction records where discount of Senior Citizen and PWD are applied.

Pro Discount: Senior/PWD Menu

Discount Menu Terms in Oojeema Pro:
Field Description
1. Filter Display Set of Filter for Precise Search of Records
  • Date is fixed as of the current date
  • Display is set by 15 by default
2. Export CSV Allows the user to Export Records into CSV spreadsheet
3. Date Date of the Transaction
4. ID No ID number of the Senior/PWD Identification Card
5. ID Type ID Type for Senior/PWD Classification
6. Name Name of the Senior/PWD member
7. Address Address of the Senior/PWD member
8. Reference No. Reference Voucher where the discount is applied
9. Gross Amount Amount after the discount amount is applied
10. Discount Discount Amount applied in the Transaction


  • For further instructions on how to filter and Export Records into CSV, the user may visit Discount Senior and PWD job aids which can be found here
Tax Report Sales Journal | Purchase Journal | Receipt Journal | Discount Senior and PWD | Disbursement Journal | BIR Form 0605 | BIR Form 0619E | BIR Form 2550M | BIR Form 2550Q | BIR Form 2551M | BIR Form 2551Q | BIR Form 1601E | BIR Form 1601EQ | BIR Form 1604E | Sales Relief | Purchase Relief
Reports Job Aid Aids
Tax Report Sales Journal Job Aids | Purchase Journal Job Aids | Receipt Journal Job Aids | Discount Senior and PWD Job Aids | Disbursement Journal Job Aids | BIR Form 0605 Job Aids | BIR Form 0619E Job Aids | BIR Form 1601E Job Aids | BIR Form 1601EQ Job Aids | BIR Form 1604E Job Aids | Sales Relief Job Aids | Purchase Relief Job Aids
Sales Sales | Sales and Service Invoice | Receive Payments
Maintenance Customer
Job Aid Modules
Sales Aids Sales Job Aids
Maintenance Aids Customers Job Aids